What a day!

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Hello people, welcome to my first story (on Wattpad) so I'm just getting the basic things down. Here are some thing you should know

1. This one shot is about a cookie run, rare pair ship (Dark Cacao x White Lily) like it says in the description.

2. This book was written at 12:00am so grammar mistakes might be shown and a plot that doesn't make sense might be shown to.

It was a beautiful day in the Blueberry Yogurt Academy.

One specific person, A girl named White Lily, rushed out of her last period class. She was going to a secluded area in the Academy. A simple bench surrounded by flowers and vines.

Lily sat down on the bench. She pulled out her notebooks and binder out of her bag. She sighed and gripped her pen, forcing it on the paper.

She had an annoying experience with a substitute teacher for her last class.

They were not the nicest, They kept making remarks about certain students and their flaws.

The substitute made a remark about Lily asking too many questions and being to quiet when she's supposed to communicate.

In other words Lily was sort of annoyed. But she had to deal with it, for the entire time.

Her best friend, Pure Vanilla, noticed how upset she was in class, And he tried to talk to her, but she didn't want to bother him.

So she just dealt with it. It bothered her, Sure, But it was nothing that major.

Lily lost in note taking and her own thoughts when she heard someone call her name.

"-ily-Lily. Lily! Hello?" She heard a deep-ish voice say.

Lily blinked and she looked up from her notebook. And stared at the young male in front of her.

It was Dark Cacao, One of her 'friends'.

Cacao was an interesting one, he was quiet but had great principle.

Cacao had red eyes that swirled in purple,Dark Chocolate skin and an eyepatch on his right eye. He had long black hair with white streaks, that was tied in a half and half hair style.

Dark Cacao would wear his own white robe and a black scarf with intricate designs. An Oreo-like bow was attached to the scarf.

Cacao stared at Lily back, having no emotion in his stare whatsoever.

Lily started to get nervous so she spoke first.

"Erm, Hello, Dark Cacao. What brings you here?" Lily smiled nervously.

He blinked, then started fiddling with the bow on his scarf.

"Pure Vanilla said you didn't have the best time in your last period class, So I came here to check on you..." He said faltering a bit at the end.

Lily was not that shocked of Cacao checking on her,  for a few reasons.

For one, He didn't have many people in his life, After  all it was only him and his mother for a majority of his life, Friends are special to him, though he didn't show it, he cared for his friends.

Another reason was that Dark Cacao was White Lily's boyfriend. Yes, boyfriend. But how they started dating is an entirely different story.

Lily sighed then said " Yeah, the substitute wasn't the nicest person. I'm just glad class is over."

Cacao then sat down next to her "What happened exactly?" He said while he pulled out his own binder and notebooks.

"Just the stereotypical mean substitute who points out everyone's weaknesses and flaws. It doesn't matter anymore." She said still a little annoyed at the substitute.

Dark Cacao looked annoyed too, maybe slightly more but still annoying.

"They're always so sure they have the right." Dark Cacao mumbled angrily. "I hope they didn't affect you too much, Lily." He said, his face showing sympathy.

"I'm fine, Cacao. It was just a little nuisance, I'll get over it-." She was cut off by Cacao.

"You didn't do anything about it, did you?" He said knowingly.

Lily just shook her head I was nervous to do so, plus it was just something small-ish..." Lily said with each word getting quieter and quieter.

Cacao just shook his head disappointingly "No, Lily, please stand up for yourself. Don't let people push you around like that." He said lecturing her a bit. "It's not good for yourself."

Lily merely rolled her eyes "yes I know, Cacao, but you know how I am, It just comes and goes. I can deal with it."

Cacao's hand twitched before he placed his hand on top of Lily's. He gave one of his rare 'special occasion' smile. "Just try not to become a human doormat, ok?" He said softly, intertwining their fingers together.

Lily squeezed his hand in response. Cacao took that as a yes.

Cacao then said "While we're here, do you think you can help me with some of my work?" He then quickly added "If that's ok with you, of course."

Lily smiled then nodded.

She helped him with his homework and he did his best to follow along.

The sun was starting to set when they finished their work.

They both got up, Packed their things, Then decided to go to their dorm rooms.

They went to Lily's dorm room first since it was the closest.

They both walked to silence but they held hands, very subtlety.

They arrived at her dorm room and Cacao said a goodbye.

"Bye, Lily. Have a good evening and thank you for helping me." He said, Having a faint smile on his face.

Lily also smiled softly "You're welcome, Cacao. And thank you for everything." She finished.

She glanced at Cacao's cheek, this was going to take a lot of courage.

She stood straight and planted a quick kiss on his cheek, smiling sheepishly while blushing.

Cacao blushed and looked surprised. But then he smiled nervously. They never showed public affection.

"Haha, thank you, Lily." He said while fidgeting with his scarf.

"Uh- you're welcome, Cacao." She said quickly turned to the door. "Bye! I love you-!" She added as she opened and shut the door.

Cacao just faintly smiled " I love you too, Lily." He said loud enough for Lily to hear him.

Then he started to walk back to own dorm room.

Yay that's the end. If you have any questions for whatever reason you may ask for answers.

Word count: 1,044

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