* Six *

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Jungwon's pov

I was walking to my second period when someone bumped into me, well at least I thought someone had bumped into me it felt so real but there was no one there I shrugged it off but deep down I knew something was not right

When I got to class the teacher Mrs. Kim
Looked angry at me she started scolding me about skipping school when I said got in a car accident she looked remorseful and gave me extra lunchtime

During the class, I kept on thinking about how I thought someone bumped into me it felt so real Mrs. Kim seeing that I was not paying attention called on me to do a problem on the board and I solved it with ease

After school

I met up with my friends at the roller park and we talk about how vampires live and act our project was coming up soon and we needed to start thinking about ideas for it, as we were talking I noticed that Nishimura was very uncomfortable and when we said things about vampires he would mumble

things that I could not hear
at last we decided to go home but on my way, felt like someone was following me and at last, someone ran up to me and covered my head with a black cloth then I fainted

Soobin look I got him

Good job yeonjun

But I don't think ????????? Is going to like that we kidnapped him

So I don't care

Ok sorry boss

You are forgiven

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