-the first time-

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Now back to the story, the 22nd of September was a normal day in New York and I was walking to the store to buy some food. I always took the same route. The route had some alleyways I had to pass. I was walking past the first alleyway when I saw a shadow out of the corner of my eye. Shivers grew down my back like ice touched my skin. I continued walking picking up my pace a bit, I never looked back. Passing the second alleyway, I saw multiple figures and more shivers arose. I knew something was wrong. When I turned around, I froze as if I was a statue. My eyes were glued to the several dark figures in front of me, I didn't dare move, barely even breathe. The silence was screaming until one of them said "Mia Romanova Barnes". The voice sounded female and had a softness to it. I slowly backed away enough so when the shadows followed, I fully saw them. There were 3 of them. 2 men and a woman; 1 of the men had blue eyes and long brown hair while the other had blue eyes and short blonde hair, they looked like army soldiers but fully black and the woman had red hair and green eyes, who looked like she was wearing a full-body suit also in black. I had no idea who these people were but I knew my life wouldn't be the same again.

Mia Romanova BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now