Chapter 1

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Dear Joe,

I never intend to send you this letter, I just wanted to write my feelings down and you are fresh on my mind. This letter will be destroyed after I have finished writing it, the information about to be written is not to be seen by anyone but my eyes and this sheet of paper.

I might tell you my feelings for you one day, but at this current time you know nothing of my love for you and it might stay that way. I'm sure you don't feel the same way, that is the main reason you shall not find out. Every time you look at me, my heart skips a beat. I know this all sounds very Cliché, girls loves the boy, the boy doesn't love her back, but I don't mean it to be.

That's all for today, maybe I'll write another of these letters to you. I'll never send it, but it's nice to write my feelings down I guess.

Love, Cora.

Crap first Chapter, sorry. x

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