Chapter 6

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It hurt a little as it was my first time, I think Finn had noticed this because he was careful and kept checking that I was okay. I was no longer a virgin, though!

I lay back in his arms, breathing heavily. I looked up at him grinning, clutching the quilt to my body. Toy Story was still on in the background but we weren't really watching it. I tilted my head up to kiss him, I know it may seem like I just jumped into bed with him but I was so fed up of being probably the only virgin in our year.

"What time will your mum be home?" I asked, my face resting on his chest.

"About 9, I think." He replied, wrapping him arm around my bare shoulder.

"You're not going to tell your friends about this... Are you?" I asked, looking up at him.

"No, don't worry. I don't kiss and tell, that was more than kissing but- uh..." He rambled.

"Thank you." I grinned, draping my leg over his.

He shuffled down to my head height, pressing his soft lips against mine.

"Mhm..." He mumbled through my lips.

I wasn't really sure what to say or do after that, so I just lay with my head on his chest in silence.

I must have dozed off, I woke suddenly to a voice in the room. I looked up to see Finn's best friend, Connor, standing in the doorway, wide eyed.

"Shit." I muttered, looking over at him awkwardly.

"Hey Cora." He laughed, smirking.

I sat up, pulling the blanket away from a sleeping Finn and wrapping it around myself.

"Hi." I cringed, nudging Finn. "Finn!" I hissed, shoving his shoulder.

"W-what?" He groaned, slowly opening his eyelids. "What time is it?" He asked, looking up at my smiling.

"You've got a visitor Finn..." I hissed, my face turning crimson.

"Oh shit, Con..." He exclaimed, turning to see Connor in the doorway grinning. "Sorry bud, I forgot that I was meant to meet you." He chuckled, covering up his crotch quickly with a pillow.

"I'd guessed that, so I thought I'd come over to see you..." He laughed, scrunching his face up.

"I'd better go..." I muttered, searching the room frantically with my clothes.

"No... I've gotta go now anyway, enjoy Cora." Connor smirked, leaving the room.

"Finn!" I scowl, crossing my arms over my quilt covered chest. "That was so embarrassing."

"Your face!" Finn croaked, laughing uncontrollably at my scowl.

"It's not funny!" I frowned, trying to fight the fits of giggles trying to escape. My frown quickly changed into a grin as I tried to fight the giggles erupting from my throat. "Maybe a little." I giggled, nudging him.

He continued laughing, sitting up and tugging the quilt over his legs.

"Where are my clothes?" I asked, suddenly stopping laughing.

"Your clothes?" He replied, smirking.

"Finn, what have you done with my clothes?" I hissed, my mouth open in shock. "Finn!" I cried.

"Look out of the window." He chuckled, grinning at me.

"You haven't?" I hissed slapping my hand against my forehead.

I clambered off of the bed, rushing up to his window, forgetting that I was butt naked. I stood at the window, narrowing my eyes, trying to find my clothes.

"They aren't down there." I muttered, turning my head back to him.

He grinned and I went back to searching for them.

"Shit!" I hissed, noticing Finn's next door neighbour stood in his garden, looking up at my his mouth wide open.

"What?" Finn laughed, as I ducked out of the sight of the window.

"Someone just saw me..." I muttered, my cheeks blushing.

"Phahahaha!" He laughed.

"Shut up! It ain't funny!" I scowled, peeking my head up to see the boy still staring at the window, a grin plastered on his smug little face.

He must have been my age, maybe a year older, his hair was swept back into a messy brunette quiff. I shook my head at Finn.

"I hate you." I grinned.

"Your clothes are under the bed." He grinned.

"Fuck you!" I laughed, clambering under the bed. "I had a mini heart attack, I'm sure." I grinned, grabbing my bra.

I got changed in a rush, perching on the end of his bed, fully clothed.

"Can I see you again?" He asked, smiling with a tilted head.

He moved over to the edge of the bed, the quilt still covering his waist.

"We have maths together, I doubt you won't be able to see me. Well, unless you go blind I mean." I chuckle.

"I'm serious, Cora." He looked so sad, tilting his head like a begging dog.

"So, I'm not just one of your one time flings?" I asked, grinning.

"I didn't plan this, Cora." He muttered. "I know you think I'm just a player, I do really care about you."

"Is that what you say to all the ladies?" I chuckled not able to take the serious side of Finn.

"Cora, stop joking about. I really like you..." He cried, looking down at his feet.

"Yeah, sorry..." I muttered.

"So... Can I see you again?" He repeated, smiling weakly at me.

"Yeah, I guess..." I smiled back.

"You guess?" He stuttered.

"Yes, you can see me again." I grinned.

"Good." He blushed.

I smiled in reply, rising from the end of his bed.

"You mean a lot to me." He told me, sitting up in the bed.

"Do I?" I cringed, refusing to turn my head to face him.

"Yes, Cora. I do have feelings." He spat. "I'm not some emotionless player."

"I know, Finn." I muttered, starting towards the door. "I'd better go."

"But... Can't you stay longer?" He begged.

"Its late, you mum will be home soon and my mum will be expecting me home." I told him, still not turning my head to him.

"Oh... Well, do I get a kiss?" He asked, I could feel the smirk rising on his pink lips.

I chuckled, turning to face him. Sure enough, he was smirking.

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