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Red—the color of rage and power.

Blue—the color of calm waters.

Black—the color that bound us together.

Death—the answer to our prayer.

Disillusioned dreams crippled her mind yet she languidly made her way towards the darkest crevice of their garden. The smell of roses that once brought joy to her broken existence has been altered to an expanse of withered and unbearable scents. A smell that rivaled a rotting corpse, meant to assault and churn her insides. Vile, everything has turned unpleasant. Nausea claimed her as she finally made it through the ravine that separated her house from their dark sanctuary.

She could have turned back, but what good would it have done? She had vowed to join him, them, it, whatever they may turn out to be. Perhaps, if she hadn't ignored the signs, she could have prevented herself from falling into the deep abyss of their twisted world. But, was twisted truly the phrase she could use to describe it all? It wasn't their fault. It was only faith; gnarled, crazy faith.

If only she could travel that road once more, wander through the previous months of her life, perhaps... perhaps...

Crimson Angels:  Prequel to Cassie (Teen Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now