Artemis Fowl and the Time Paradox

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From the collected correspondence of Opal Koboi. A Series of letters between Opal Koboi, Inmate number 1 100 0 101', Atlantis maximum security penitentiary and Wing Commander Vináya, Haven City .

Koboi: My dear wing commander, while I realize that my first probation hearing is not due for four hundred years, I feel that it would be in the People's best interests to release me before then. After all, the humans are becoming more sophisticated daily, and a genius such as myself will be needed to ensure that fairy technology remains superior to human technology.

Vinyáya: Dream on, Koboi. You're in prison. Accept it.

Koboi: I am sensing negative vibrations from you, wing commander. Do not be so quick to judge. People can change, surely you accept that. I admit that, once, I found the idea of being the planet's supreme power an attractive one, but who hasn't secretly nurtured the dream of wiping out humanity and utterly dominating one's own peers? I see now that this dream might be unacceptable to some narrow-minded fairies and I am prepared to swear on my pixie honor that, should I be released, I would not attempt to take over the world again.

Vinyáya: On your pixie honor?! WOW. I'll send the transfer shuttle right over.

Koboi: I see now, wing commander, that you never had any intention of sending the transfer shuttle right over. In fact, you were being sarcastic. Mocking me from the safety of Police Plaza in Haven. I waited for three weeks before I realized that the shuttle was not coming for me. I packed my belongings so that I would be ready. Including my collection of model sea horses, which I fashioned from chewed cardboard. My favorite sea horses, Twinky and Goodboy were broken in the process. Twinky cries every night over her severed tail and Goodboy does not look so dashing without his head. Your callousness leaves me no alternative but to place you on my revenge list. When I am finally free of this horrible place and elevated to my rightful position as queen of the world, you will take my place in this cell and I will send my troll minions to issue daily beatings with batons fashioned from sea horses' tails. A fitting punishment, I am sure you agree.


Jeez, Opal is way too dramatic XD her seahorses are killing me. Also stan Vináya. This one was actually pretty fun. Next one soon!

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