More stuff bc I like these kind of chapters (traditional and digital)

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First of all, ladies and gentlemen: Ranboo!

(The dude on the right of the pic is supposed to be one of my classmates btw)

(The dude on the right of the pic is supposed to be one of my classmates btw)

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[Sry for bad quality & English] I just want to mention two things: It was like 1am in the morning and this was drawn with coal which my classmate has stolen from our art teacher in fifth grade. He gave it to me last week and I tried to draw with it. I've never had any other drawing where you can see (as much as here) that I'm right-handed lol

But I think it turned out good

Somehow ig-

Somehow ig-

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Let's go on with some Gartic Phone drawings of mine:

Let's go on with some Gartic Phone drawings of mine:

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"Herr Kugler" is the nickname for our headteacher. "Herr Regler" was just a typing mistake which made it even funnier

Bg story: Mr Kugler/Regler petted a stuffed alpaca animal thing and asked us if it was our mascot

Bg story: Mr Kugler/Regler petted a stuffed alpaca animal thing and asked us if it was our mascot

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