Hello! Tomoe...

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A young man, ran with rage, through the lamp lightened red streets of Edo. Yoshiro Kuroh , young man still in his 20's got recruited in the police force. Though not a very outstanding personality, he possessed great courage and will.

Not a very long time ago, a criminal guilty of over hundred murders, ran away from the clutches of police force. That night , Kuroh and his fellow corps spotted the criminal on that lamp lightened street. They all ran after him... nearly caught him, but the poor clumsy Kuroh , stripped and rolled on the ground. He got serious abrasions on his knees which almost bled. 

Not worrying about poor Kuroh's wound, all the officers accused him for being a good-for-nothing human , for, he let the criminal flee away and advised him to better leave the job. Filled with feelings of hatred, anger and grief Kuroh ran away and disappeared into the lonely streets.

As he took a detour through the town , his ears heard a faint crying of a child from a gap between two shops. During those times, "a dark gap between two walls " was believed to be "a gateway to the underworld".

Kuroh, was not unaware of this fact , but who can avoid a crying child ? As he walked through the dark path, it seemed to get longer and longer, with no one to be seen. The fearful boy was now surrounded by nothing but darkness.

Suddenly Kuroh stripped on something yet again. He raised his head high and found himself in front of a "Torrii gate" . Finally he saw the crying child. Kuroh walked towards the child and to his surprise , the child was no ordinary.

The child had silver white hair through which pointed fox like ears could be seen. He had icy cold blue eyes with sharp edges and his canines could be seen through his red blood lips. The child spoke nothing...but took Kuroh's frightened hand and ran into the dark forest.

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