Part Two

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This is where the real hatred began, ikarus was selfish and didn't care or knock.

He was unable to take a hint and Bucky hated him.

He got dressed and headed to find Peter.

They both headed out the door and Peter got on the back of bucky bike with bucky on the front.
'Uh Mr Bucky sir do you think you could slow down?' Peter shouted as his helmet started slipping. Bucky, unable to hear Peter started speeding up along the highway which only brought in more screams from Peter.

They arrived at the market a half hour later.

'now listen, for plums they have to feel perfect' bucky said as he picked up a plum squishing it slightly, 'these arnt in season yet so we head to another stall, their too firm'

Peter looked at Bucky with wonder, this man, who has lived for years, can crush a car with one hand and shoot a n*zi with the other, spends his time perfecting his plums knowledge.

Bucky turned to Peter 'so what actually do you want to make, because some things need firmer fruits'

'I want to make a pie because mj likes pies' Peter responded.

Bucky nodded, he'd made plum pie for someone before, he made it for Steve on his birthday. Its the perfect gift for a loved one. He reached into another stall, he could tell just by looking at these plums they were perfect. They were ripe and sweet.

He put 8 in a bag and they headed off home. Bucky lay down and sighed. Today had been good, he'd made pie and got to eat the most perfect plum.
He shut his eyes and tried to sleep.

Bucky awoke in a cold sweat, hyperventilating and trying to catch his breath as he got up to his desk and started writing. He felt the tears sting his eyes as he tried to shut them down but it was too late, they were pouring down and nothing was stopping them. He sat their in tears as he tried to get the nightmares out his head.

He checked the time, it was 5 o'clock in the morning, Steve wouldn't be awake yet. Sam might be but bucky would rather die than share any feelings to him. After he had calmed himself he got up and went to the kitchen, there was some pie left over. So instead of sharing his feelings and getting help. He ate.

As he was finishing his second slice, he heard someone come through the door. Bucky turned to see who it was and groaned. Ikarus, right when he needed alone time the person he hated most comes through the door.

'what do you want?' bucky said as he got up from his chair. Ikarus closed the door behind him quietly as to not wake anyone and sat down next to bucky, who now was washing his plate. 'I heard you, in your room. I was walking back from the bathroom and heard you, you were muttering something, I couldn't tell you what it was but you sounded distressed. Then I heard you waking up, you were breathing heavily. I decided to leave you be, seeing as how you were i felt as though I should come see if you were alright. I know we don't necessarily like each other but we are teammates, so if your not ok the rest suffer, and besides, you truly did seem distressed.' bucky sat down next to ikarus, this was the first time anyone had noticed any of bucky problems 'I understand that you probably don't want to talk to me of all people about this but I'm not going to lie, this isn't the first time I have heard you in a state like this. It seems to be often.' ikarus reached for buckys hand and grabbed it tight in his. 'are you okay, bucky?' bucky looked over at ikarus, his breath shaky and tears in his eyes. 'I'm scared' bucky whispered. 'I'm scared of hurting Steve again, I'm scared of hurting Peter, Tony, natasha, heck even Sam! Im scared that somehow hydra will brain wash me and I'll be back to being the winter soldier and kill more innocent people, or worse, kill-' bucky stopped. He was shaking, he got up and walked out. Leaving ikarus on his own. He ran down the corridor towards Steves room. He brought his shaky hands up to the door and knocked loudly and repeatedly. After about 10 knocks Steve finally opened the door.

'bucky what the hell on earth are you doing' steve exclaimed. Bucky walked passed him and sat on his bed. Steve turned from the door and looked at him. He sat down next to his friend and put an arm around him. Bucky leaned in and started to cry. Steve put his other arm around bucky and let him cry, even though he was getting his favourite pair of pajamas wet and stained with the mascara bucky couldn't get off the evening before. 'Damn buck, you really need some better makeup wipes' bucky laughed as he lifted his head. 'You're and idiot Steve' they chuckled.

'Wanna watch a movie?' Steve suggested as they cuddled more on the couch, 'only if its tangled, because i refuse to watch mulan again.' steve chuckled as he got up to get the remote. Bucky looked around the room 'do you still have those snacks youd keep in here? The ones that I would eat so you'd have to hide them?' Steve turned around and glanced at the side of his closet where there was a small gap between the wall. Bucky turned to the gap and smiled. He ran to the wall and reached in between the gap. His pulled out a pink and white stripped bag and jumped back onto the bed.

'remember when you chocked on one of these and almost died?' bucky said as he put another sweet in his mouth. Steve chuckled at the memory. 'I remember when we went to the circus, and you were terrified of the clowns so I bought you a bag of these to eat and instead of eating them you pelted them at the clown.' bucky rested his head on Steves shoulder 'he never recovered from his eye injury did he? Im sure i didn't throw it hard enough to actually blind him, he was just dramatic.' they giggled and continued the movie. 'Steve?' bucky said, 'do you think tha-' before bucky could finish something crashed through the window. The top of the tower collapsed, bringing the whole tower down.

Bucky layed there in a stunned silence. He could see fire around him. He turned his head too look right. The tv magically survived the fall and was playing the end scene to tangled. He slowly sat up, a wave of dizziness hitting him as he did. He looked to his left and saw Steve. Still in his captain America pajamas. He was bleeding, badly bucky tried to move his leg only to be hit with a wave of immense sharp pain. He gasped from the pain and turned back to Steve. Bucky managed to pull himself over towards him.

Steve was cold, he had no pulse and he wasnt breathing, if he was it would be very shallow but, as far as bucky could tell, Steve was dead. He grabbed Steve's hand and gently kissed it. He felt the tears sting his eyes as he saw his best friend, his only friend dead there, without meaning or reason.

From far beneath the rubble he heard a cry, it sounded like a kid, a teenager. Bucky almost on an instance knew who it was.

It was Peter.

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