James wakes up in urine soaked underwear.

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Cynder, James Graham's mother had just finished potty training her son and went to check on her son and enimently check his underwear finding it soaked in urine. Why is my son's underwear soaked in urine. Cynder said with a look of disappointed on her face. Well it looks like I will be taking my son to the doctor today, and what's the point of potty training my son if he's going to wet himself in his sleep. Cynder said as she shook her son awake and explained to him that he had wetted himself and asked her son if he wants her to put him back in diapers  after his doctor's appointment this morning. Yeah I do want you to put me back in diapers after my doctor's appointment this morning. James said. An hour later cynder had toke her son to a doctor with PhDs of knowing the causes of children who had bed wetting issues. Minutes later a doctor had determined the cause of James wetting his underwear in his sleep. Mrs cynder your son has caught an rare early stage of incontinence that has infected his  nervous system to a point where his potty training is coming undone and his nervous system is so badly infected that you won't be able to potty train him again so I suggest you put your son back in diapers for the rest of his life because before long your son is going to be pooping in his pants because your son is pretty much going to be a baby again when you put him back in diapers.

An hour later cynder had her son back in diapers and about time too because James started wetting himself in his diaper. Uh mom I just wetted my diaper. James said as cynder came in her son's bedroom and checked her son's diaper to see how wet he is. My my, my diapered son you're wetting yourself that you might need a diaper change oh now I think about it have you pooped yet. Cynder asked. Um no not yet mom. James said as his bowels started emptying out into his diaper without him knowing that he was pooping in his diaper.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2022 ⏰

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