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Aizawa's POV:

All of the UA staff were in the meeting room waiting for the principal, Nezu to start the random meeting. After what felt like an hour the mutated mouse-bear-dog finished his tea. He looked at us before hopping on the table. "I have decided to make a game for the first years to play. It will be called UA Civil War. Ten students from Class 1-A and 1-B will be picked, five from each class. How this will work is that there will be a hero and a villain team. I randomly picked the names so no suggestions. Both teams have twenty task they need to complete. The teams will have to prevent the opposing team from completing task all while completing their own task. They will have a month to prepare. It will last for an entire week so seven full days to complete and defend tasks. While this is happening the ten participants are excused from class and will have their own dorms I made just for this. The teams won't have any physical or verbal contact with each other while they have their one month preparation time. Homeroom teachers are also prohibited from any kind of contact. Outside help is welcome so if a member on a team has family willing to help they can."

Everyone looked at Nezu with amused and or shocked faces. I had a shit eating grin on my face as I thought about how this can be used as training and entertainment. I looked at the fellow teachers and realized no teams were named. "If you don't mind what are the teams?" Nezu smiled as he gave me the look that made me gulp. "Hero team consist of Bakugo as team captain, Denki, Uraraka, Kaibara, and lastly Yanagi. Villain team consists of Izuku as team captain, Monoma, Shinsho, Kendo, and Shoda." Most heroes gave each other a look of uncertainty. Midnight decided to speak up. "When you say Izuku do you mean the timid green haired kid. No disrespect Aizawa, but he isn't villain material." I looked at her and let out a sigh. "Midnight disrespect taken fully. Izuku is the smartest UA student to ever exist. He shows he can be ruthless due to what Bakugo did to him as a kid. He has a high pain tolerance, and if he wanted to be a villain we would all be dead. He has a journal about our weaknessess, strengths, personal lives, secrets, ways to destroy us mentally and physically, if he wanted to not only is he a badass future hero, but he would be a badass villain. Don't underestimate the top student in my class, Nemuri."

To say people were shocked was an understatement. I mean I just told them a kid in this school could theocratically kill every hero in the school and by himself if he wanted too. I would be surprised if they weren't surprised. Nezu nodded his hands as he clapped his paws together. "Meeting is over."


Izuku's POV:

I was gathering my team for the UA Civil War. I had already called my brother right after I was informed by  Aizawa. To say I was shocked was an understatement. I had immediately called my brother before gathering my team. What people don't know is that I have illegal help thanks to my illegal brother nobody knows of. He works underground and before Chisaki tried to create quirk erasing bullets, my brother already had smoke screens that erased people's quirk. He would be shipping me five of these, one for every teammate. I had him get us a lot more equipment. 

By the time everyone arrived my box of quirk erasing smoke screens already came in. I had got extra for traps. I also had my brother copy certain people from my notebook. I had four of them. They all had one of the names of my teammates. I was sitting in a chair behind a desk with the notebooks and box of quirk erasing smoke screens.

"Hey, I'm sure you all know me as Izuku Midoriya. If you hadn't been told already I am you're team captain for the first ever UA Civil War. We were chosen to be the villain team and before any of you guys try to make downgrade comments about me being on the villain team let me continue. For a month we will be preparing. So traps, training, analyzing, mind games, stamina build-up, e.t.c." I looked around to make sure they were all listening and they were, so I continued. "The only way for this to work is through trust, so I'll have to expose a secret of mine. I have an older brother involved in the underworld. No I am not involved, but since outside help is allowed he will be helping us. He already so generously gifted me twenty quirk erasing smoke bombs and partial copies of my journals." I picked up one of the smoke bombs. They were black with a light blue sketch on it. I put the smoke bomb down as I grabbed the notebooks and handed them to their owners. "In these books have information about yourself, the enemy, comrades, and training regimens to improve at a faster rate. Don't lose them they are valuable. If you hadn't realize you're notebook has you're name on it, don't lose it. Now we all are comfortable with only one person in here Shinsou. He will be the second in command. I was chosen as captain by the principal so there is no discussion about that. Our start of month preparations begin tomorrow so rest up because this month will be hell."

I walked towards the door and left the four students stunned into place.


The next day came and so did more shipments. I left them in my room as I got changed into some basketball shorts and left to the training room our dorm has. I checked around before nodding. I went back to the dorms and woke everyone up with cold ice water. Once everyone was up and in the main room I stood up on the table. "Today is the first day of prep. Wake up at two in the morning or be greeted with ice water. You will need to get you're body used to staying up full days. Bakugo acts like an unhinged rule breaking pomeranian, but is just an insecure angry rule following punk. He sleeps at exactly at eight and will force his team to do the same. Thanks to this he doesn't know a single person's sleep schedule. You should have found that out on Bakugo's page in you're notebooks. I want you spending an hour a day and free time reading that notebook. Get ready for training. I don't care about you're shape get in a sports bra and shorts girls, boys get in some shorts and leave the shirt."

I jumped off the table as I walked to the gym and started lifting weights. It took a while for the others to join me in the gym. I smiled as they all had their notebooks and started doing the training I had set up for them. Of course Monoma complained a lot, but since Kendo was in the same room he kept it to the bare minimum and low. The others didn't complain until it got harder and only sped up. I train like this thanks to having One For All. I need to keep my body strong in order to manage One For All.


Bakugo's POV:

I didn't bother hearing who I was going to be going up against because I was going to win. I didn't want to admit to not needing outside help so I forced the other extras to go and do it for me. I didn't really get a lot of help since most support course students had already been taken by the villains team. It was annoying so I went back to our dorm and trained until 7:30. After that I took my shower and went to bed exactly at 7:45. Around 7:53 I was awaken by the extras loud talking so I forced them to all go to bed. By the end I went to sleep at 8:01, just great.

For the rest of the first week I trained, reminded them I was the team captain, and made small plans including me and me only.

On the second week I got a feeling like something wrong was about to happen with my plans so I chalked up my pride and involved the shitty extras into my plan, only as support only if needed. I was going to win this by myself and show the world just how great I am.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2022 ⏰

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