Future Time Yass

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So all my kids have grown up yay😂😂 They all grew up so mf fast like real shitt😂
They all fight thts on thing i hate bout havin all of them in one house tbhh😂💯👌🏽

Asia-Ma Kayla wont give me my stuff bck

Me-Kayla!!! Give Asia her shitt bck now

Kayla- But ma she took my stuff 2

Me- What she take??

Kayla- my phone

Me- Asia give Kayla her shitt && Kayla give Asia her shitt , Yall 2 old 4 this shitt go get yall shitt i gotta take both of yall 2 skool so hurry up cause icant be late 2 work


August- Boys lets go im takin yall 2 skool todaee so lets go

Dallas-August Jr-King-Jaden-Ok here we come

So then we all left August went 2 the studio i went 2 work && the kids went 2 skool

After Skool && Work****

Asia-Ma Guess wat


Asia-Kayla got a bf

Me- Whats his name??


Me-August come here hurry up!!!! && Asia go up stairs



Me-Kayla got a lil baee ig😂😂

August-Whats his name??😡😡

Me-Dont even get mad acuse at her age yhuu had a gf 2 so chill && yhuu let the boys have gfs so dont do that frfr leave her alone juss have a talk with him && let him know wassup && His name Deonte

August- but yhuu gotta understand thats my baby girl

Me- cuttin him off*** No Asia is yo baby girl

August-Yhuu know what u mean

Me- ik what yhuu mean but still leave her alone let her have a bf bc she is old enough tbhh she is a teen is 13 think if yhuu was her age yhuu would wanna have a gf cause iki would wanna have a bf so juss leave her alone imma talk 2 her && yhuu talk 2 him

August- ok

Then i went upstairs && talked to Kayla

Me-Heyy Kay

Kayla-heyy mom wassup

Me-i heard sum bout yhuu

Kayla-What yhuu here bout me mom😂😂

Me- i heard yhuu gotta a bf named Deonte😂😂

Kayla- whoo told yhu??

Me-Asia but listen yhuu not in trouble cause i talked 2 yo daddy && he said he juss wanna meet him so yhuu good😂👌🏽💯

Kayla-Ok mom i will txt him now && have him come over

Me- k

Then Kayla grabes her phone && txted Deonte

Txt mode****

Kayla-Baee come 2 my house my dad wanna meet yhuu ig

Deonte-k im On my way

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