Take care the babys again

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"ok now we have to take care lot of baby than yesterday we take care them" Glutinous said

"Yes , and it thanks to Pythor!!!" Skales said while screaming Pythor

"I am sorry ok!" Pythor said

"We Will never forgive you!" All serpentine said except Pythor

"Guyss plz forgive me!! , I will do everything you guys want to for forgiveness" Pythor said while crying

"Ok than if you want forgiveness , you will let the baby sleep with you" Skales said

"Wait , really?!" Pythor ask with exciting

"Wait he is so happy to hear them" Great Devourer ask

"Idk" Skalidor said

"Is his brain is malfunction?" FangTom ask

"Pythor why you so happy?" Skales said

"Because i love the babys plus there is baby Lloyd which i betray him in first place but i am exciting , you guys can rest while i Will take care the baby!" Pythor said

"Uhhh ok" Slithera said

"Wait , are your brain is broken , its probably i hit you hard with frying pan" Slithera said

"No i am ok , sooooo who wants the candy!" Pythor ask

"Meeeeeeeee" all babys said

"Pythor wait don't give them lot of candy" Skales said

"Ok" Pythor said

*And that time Pythor came out with idea*

"Guyyyysss!!" Pythor said

"What now?" Skales said

"I have an idea" Pythor said

"What?" Skales ask

"Because we have more baby , how about we ad one snake" Pythor said

"Who?" All serpentine ask

"Wojira" Pythor said

"Ok that is good..." Skalidor got cut off by Glutinous

"Ohhhh helll noooo" Glutinous said

"Why?" Skales ask

"She is dangerous!" Glutinous said

"We know , but she is dangerous as Great Devourer" Pythor said

"I know but we have Great Devourer which is same size and tall as you and have hand" Glutinous said

"And wojira is still Giant snake" Glutinous said

"Bruh dont worry she is same size and tall as me and have hand" Pythor said

"Oh ok then" Glutinous said

"Wait Glutinous why your mood change so quickly?" FangTom ask

"Becauseeeee" Glutinous said with inhale

"Because i wanna give her a lesson about almost drowning me in city" Glutinous said

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh" All serpentine said except for Glutinous

"Well i Will be going search Wojira then" Pythor said

"And good luck take care the babys!" Pythor said with laughting

*Pythor go out searching Wojira*

"Okkk , should we call Aspheera and Char?" Glutinous ask

"Yes" Slithera said

"Ok i call Aspheera" Skales said

*Meanwhile with Aspheera and Char*

*Aspheera phone is ringing*

"Uhhhh , who is calling me that mid night?" Aspheera said

"Meh i am to lazy to answer" Aspheera said

"Char can you plz answer my phone" Aspheera ask her servant

"Yes my queen?" Char said

"Can you plz answer my phone i am tired" Aspheera ask

"Ok" Char said

"Thank you honey" Aspheera said

"Wait did you call me honey!?" Char ask

"Yes why?" Aspheera ask

"Can't the queen call her servant honey" Aspheera ask

"No its just the "honey" word is for husband or wife my queen" Char said

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh than i should do this to you" Aspheera said while kissing Char face

"What was that for?" Char said while blushing

"Uhhh well after i call honey to my soldier or servant i sometime kiss their face" Aspheera said

"And i wanna sleep , good night" Aspheera said

*Aspheera leaving Char alone*

*Char answer to the phone*

"Hello who is this?" Char ask

"Its me Skales , can you come to our mansion to take care the babys?" Skales ask

"Uhh sure!" Char said while exciting

"But there is problem" Skales said

"What is it?" Char ask

"There is 3 more baby" Skales said

"Oh ok come tomorrow bye!" Char said

*Char close the phone*

"Well well , looks like a loyal servant became a baby sitter" evil human girl said

"Shut up!" Char said

"Well screw to be you" evil human girl said with laughting

"Leave him alone" one of pyro viper soldier said

"Ughhh fine!" Evil human girl said

*And the human girl leaving*

"Who is she?" Char ask

"She is snitcher" soldier said

"Oh" Char ask

"Well i have to sleep now tomorow i will go" Char said while go to his room

To be continued

SERPENTINE TAKE CARE BABY NINJAGO Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora