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I sat down on my couch, my figure slumped in front of the blaring television. I took the remote and muted the TV, as I looked down at the box of pills I was holding in my hand. I was exhausted from a long day at work, I've also had trouble sleeping, hence the medication. The TV illuminated the back of the light blue box in my dark living room.

A warning printed in bold letters caught my eye.

"May provoke intense hallucinations, if so, contact a doctor or pharmacist"  I raised an eyebrow.

What kind of weird ass shit is going to happen to me if I take these ? My friend had taken this "new" medication and never told me about visions.  The doctor never told me about this. I began second-guessing taking these, I still needed sleep and gosh was I tired. Who cares if I start seeing unicorns flying in the air ?

 I stayed in my sitting position as I absentmindedly switched channels with the remote.
Might as well. I sighed, hoisting myself up. I made my way to the kitchen and poured myself a glass of water.

I opened the box, taking out a pill, fumbling with the package for a bit and letting it rest in my palm. I stared at it, hesitating. The glass was being held in my right hand, shaking a little. I took a deep breath. If I get hallucinations, all I do is call my doctor. I'll be fine.

I pinched the blue pill, lifting it up to my face.
Here goes nothing.
I popped it into my mouth and downed the glass of water.

I put the empty glass back onto the counter, yawning as I did so. I walked back to the TV, turning it off. I went up the staircase and turned off all the lights and got to my room. I closed my  window whilst admiring the starry night sky. I then proceeded to jump onto my bed, the bed frame groaning in protest.
I let my eyes close, the sounds of the crickets in the distance lulling me to sleep.

*         *        *

I opened my eyes, a faint scratching could be heard on the first floor. I tried to ignore it, it was probably some animal. After several minutes of noise, I sat up, groaned a little, my head was pounding. I tried to calm my breathing, listening to the ever so persistent scratching. It sounded like an animal, but my mind went to the worst of possibilities. 
 Was someone was in my house ?

My heart racing, I got out of the bed. I tip-toed to the door and opened it, my hand shaking violently. I shuffled quietly down the dark hallway, the scratching getting louder.
I went down the stairs, trying to see some sort of figure lurking in the shadows.
I put my foot on the last step, it creaked loudly.
The scratching stopped.

I held my breath, watching, waiting for the other shoe to drop. The silence only persisted, all I could hear was the sound of my pounding heartbeat. The dread was unbearable.
The scratching started again.

I let out a breath. I crouch-walked to the couch, hiding myself behind it. The scratching was still going. I stayed in that crouching position, listening to the strange sound. My thighs were starting to hurt. I peeked over the long couch, I could see a faint figure, crouching. I squinted and leaned forward. It seemed to be scratching at the kitchen floor. I leaned in even more, almost falling over the couch.
The figure stood up.

I almost screamed.
It was astoundingly tall, at least two meters in height. It had an abnormally long neck, and...
A beak ?

It was most certainly not human. I let out a breath once more, it was just an animal.
I got up from my hiding spot, my thighs sore.
The animal, turned fully towards me, it's towering height and powerful demeanor causing the hairs on the back of my neck to stand up.

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