memory 8 questionable denial of silenced story

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Memory 8; Questionable denial of a silenced story

For the first time since gaining the letter, my dreams have been uncharted, like a Compass without direction, I didn't have a dream nor did I have a nightmare, it seems that making this decision to go to budapest was what my dreams were aiming to get me to do, but for right now, I just slept, deep, and with Sarah in my arms, I know it was her because her hair smelled of applewood and vanilla, it floated through my dreams, its a scent that I've fallen asleep to like a lullaby. At some point I woke up in the middle of the night, startled because I felt like I was falling, then I realized where I was and I went back to sleep

It was this time I dreapt about mist, images past before me walking through a graveyard with an ocean before me, it seems I would know the place, but I dont recall it, there was a lighthouse and giant rocks. The more I walked through the patch, I found names that never matched that I didnt know, many didnt add up, until I got to the center of the path where there were a massive mausoleum and I got chills this was where I didnt want to be, I closed my eyes and whispered a prayer and opened the door and entered into it, and coughed, dust and I saw five crypts, and above where names our names,

"Caleb, Selena, Judas, Sarah, and..."

'Kali..." yes my name,

"Kali" Was the last name,

"Kaliya Kali girl we're gonna be late"

Suddenly an impact happens as Sarah smacks with a pillow and I'm jutted awake

"Huh? Huh? What happened?"

Sarah looked at me and pointed my head to the clock.

"5:30 am chicka you overslept We are gonna be late for the boat, get ready"

I was wide awake after that and throwing my clothes on and backpack, and guitar case and lunches and everything and we both left the house just in time to jump on the boat, the sun slightly peaking over, I smiled at her and at the gondelier I smiled, and pulled out my guitar and started to play music while we waited for us to make it to the end of the "trail", I sat back, it was early so it was me, Sarah and an older man who was looking at a newsaper.

"Budapest? Your on a journey miss may I ask as to the occasion for such a trek at this moth of the year?" I went to raise my hand to speak, but sarah got to him first.

"We prefer to keep our business private" She said, patting my shoulder, a sign she was saving me from a bad situation.

I blushed and nodded. "Yeah..private" and the man nodded before going to an earlier point.

"Well for whatever your business speaks to you you got a trek to get to the big island, I would recommend a plane for sure, it would carry over the lines of the west hemisphere" He spoke and we looked at each other, Sarah and I.

We werent sure if that would be the correct move, until this male spoke high of it.

Sarah sat next to me and we held each other's hands all the way into the day.

We found out the male that was Adam was heading back to rome, clearly he was a member of the church, the way I could tell was based around the members of italy that came to venice.

Sarah helped keep my mouth shut even though I badly wanted to ask about Ciaran, my brother there hasnt been word of when he vanished, but sarah was against it.

"Your lucky we arent caught dont cut our chances in half by speaking ill"

I know she meant well but it made me feel off by having an opportunity to ask of what I remember well was a brutal choice of handled circumstances.

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