Something is SUS...

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It was a usual boring & exhausting school day. After school was done I was so tired I could barely keep my eyes open. I decided to go to the café just a few blocks away. I was walking down the street and I bumped into someone. Oh crud. It was the 2nd person on earth that I hated the most. Peter Rushton. Abby Rushton's stupid brother. I'll tell you the story later. 

"Oops, sorry Kiara" He said apologetically. 

"It's fine" I replied.

He smiled apologetically and slipped away. 

I rolled my eyes. The story about Abby & me will be explained later. My phone buzzes. 

It's Eliza. I start texting.

Me: Hey.

Eliza: Hey, where are u?

Me: Heading 2 café, Alexa will be there. 

Eliza: Ya, as always. I'll be there in 5 minutes.

Me: Cya .

Eliza: 😁👍🏻👌🏻

Me: ok byee

I put my phone back in my bag. I arrived at the café. I opened the door & saw Alexa waving me over to come. I rushed over. 


"Hi, what do you want to order?" Alexa asked. 

"A hot chocolate"


Then I feel a tap on my shoulder, it's Eliza. 

"Yay you made it!" I said.

"Ya, of course. I want a donut. Like really bad." 

"K" Alexa replies.


" Number 1902!" The lady at the pick up counter yells. 

I look down at my paper, that's me.

"I'll be back" I tell the girls. They nod in reply & head over to order. 

I grab my drink & head over to the girls. But I bump into someone & my drink spills all over me and the person. I look up & it's James. Oh crud.

"I'm sorry" I manage to say. 

"No, I'm sorry. I wasn't looking where I was headed. I'll get you another drink" He says.

"No, it's fine. You don't have to" I reply.

"Ok" He replies.  Then he walks off.

I continue going to the girls & when I get there Eliza's face is red.


"NO! It's fine. He said he was going to but I said no." I replied. Eliza hates James. For no reason. 

Everyone got their drinks & we got out of the café before Eliza kills James.

It was quiet after that. I was the one who spoke up.

"So, are you guys doing anything this weekend?" I asked. They shook their heads.

"Then do you want to go for a hike?"

"Sure" Eliza replies.

"Ok" Kiara says. 

Then we all say bye & head home.

When I reach home & open the door my dad & step mom (Karen) gasp.

"What?" I ask.

"What happened to your clothes Alexa?" Karen asks.

I shut the door & tell them I ran into James.

"Oh. Well go get changed & come help your dad make dinner. Oh and give me a $100" She orders.

"Why? What for?" 

"Because you ruined your clothes that I bought for you!" She screams.

"You didn't buy them! Dad did! And I'm not paying for anything!" I scream.

I run up to my room, shut the door & cry into my pillow.

"Why is life so unfair?" I ask myself. 

I get up, change & go down to help my dad.

"Hi honey, are you okay?" My dad asks. 

"I'm fine" I said. I grabbed a knife & started cutting the vegetables. 

"Dad? Why did you have to marry Karen?" I asked a little quietly.

"Alexa, when your mom died I was getting very lonely, I know we had each other but still. Then I met Karen, she seemed nice at first but when you started to grow up more she changed. I didn't mean for it to happen." He replied sadly.

"Oh." I replied. 

We had dinner & then we all went to bed. 

I couldn't sleep. "Karen was a little sus. No, scratch that so sus "  I thought

I closed my eyes & fell asleep.                                                                                          

So? What do you guys think of the chapter? I hope you enjoyed it. More books are coming soon! 😁😊👽

- Zunaira


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2022 ⏰

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