Here Comes (or goes) the Bride...

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Well. This is it. 

Odette is with her maid of honour, her sister, Marie, who knows where Odettes true feelings lay.

"Odette, you know you don't have to do this..." Says Marie concerned.

"Yes sister. I do. I have to." Odette barks back.

As a result of her rudeness, Marie leaves.

Odette is on edge today. Everything is starting to get so real. She hadn't planned marrying Prince Daniel. Or so to speak she hadn't planned the actual wedding either. Everything was already set to go, as Daniel had all of his servants to plan everything. Lazy cunt.

At least she was happy about two things. One being the ability to unite their kingdoms, the other her FABULOUS ballgown wedding dress. It is beautiful. With sliver lining on the sweetheart neckline, lace trailing for miles and a gorgeous corset style backless back. She loved her dress more than the groom!

*Wedding bells start to chime*

"Welp. This is it." Odette thinks to herself as she strolls down the corridor to the royal gardens, where the ceremony is being held. 

Odette starts walking down the isle. All eyes of both kingdoms are on her, the enchanted forest on her left, Daniels kingdom on her right. Staring, gawking at her beauty and her FABULOUS dress.

Odette cannot even look at Prince Daniel.

She has reached the alter and the Pastor starts to beging the ceremony.

"Friends, family and.. um.. woodland creature things.. You have been invited here today to share this royal marriage together, and unite our kingdoms for the greater good. We who gather here today are separated by the many different experiences that we have had-"

Guests start to cheer loudly, inturrupting the Pastor.

"AHEM-... Despite these differences, we gather here today in this royal courtyard because we share something in common. We share a desire to affirm and support the relationship of Odette, Swan Princess of the Enchanted Forest and Prince Daniel, of our beloved kingdom."

Odette yawns, waiting for the 'I dos' so she can get this over with.

"Marriage is an act of will. It requires a commitment to care for another person. By caring we show concern for the life and growth of those whom we love. Today, we affirm and celebrate this joyous wedding day."

The guests cheer once again. The Pastor waits for the crowd to calm down, then continues, with much to Odettes surprise, annoyance at this noisy crowd.

"I ask you to affirm your willingness to enter the covenant of marriage and to share all the joys and sorrows of your lives and your relationship, whatever the future may hold."

*Oh great* Odette thinks to herself. This is the part she had been dreading. She feels sick to her stomach, unsure if she will be able to go through with it.

"Prince Daniel, do you take this woman to be your wife? Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?"

"I do!" Exclaims Daniel. Unknowing of how Odettes true feelings were.

"Princess Odette, do you take this man to be your husband? Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?"


Odette cannot seem to form any words out of her mouth. Though she had desperately been trying. 

"I-I.. um-..." Odette mumbles.

*JUST SAY SOMETHING IDIOT* Odette thinks infuriatingly.


The crowd of guest's gasp

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The crowd of guest's gasp.

"Whatever are you doing Odette! Is this some sort of joke? It is not funny" Daniel whispers angrily to Odette.

"Dee, I-.. I'm sorry-" Odette exclaims before immediately cantering back down the isle and all the way back into the enchanted woods, tears flooding from her eyes.

After hours of racing further and further into the forest, with very little recollection of where she is going, Odette stumbles across an empty cave. 

"i must rest here for the night, so no one will find me and make me marry that self centred moron" The princess says to herself peacefully, as she is now lost of the pressure that has been upon her the past few weeks.

In the unknown area around her, she finds a bundle of big, bushy leaves, which she creates into a comfortable place to sleep.

Once her bed was made, Odette started to shiver. It was cold in the middle of the forest. So, she set out to find some fire wood. 

Alas! she finds a big pile of sticks, right next to another cave close by. 

"Perfect!" Odette whispers, pleased with herself for finding them.

All the way walking back to her cave she constantly hears rumbles in the bushes, which she brushes off her shoulder, knowing what harmless creatures live in the forest. However this time, it was not a bunny, nor a squirrel, nor a hedgehog...

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