Chapter 1 Forever

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Shi pov:I wake up and painfully streach from the hard floor my body aches from last night but nothing new (eri:"morning sis!!!" I just nod at her acknowledging that she said that "w-why are you so e-excited eri?" I ask eri:"because I found a way to excape!! Now let's go!!"
"Huh? Are you sure we won't be caught? Eri:" yes now let's go" eri grabs my hand and runs to the front door pulling me with her we run out of the door and eri smashes into somone and goes flying bringing me with her you both hit the ground with a thud and look up to see what looks to be a person with broccoli to be hair ask if you two are ok ???:*kneels down*"hey are you two ok you took quite a stumble there?" I look up with wide eyes full of fear and trembling along with eri to see overhaul walk out from the frame of the door overhaul:"you two can't go around causing trouble for the hero's" broccoli heads eyes open in fear of who he is. Overhaul:"I'm sorry about my daughter, hero. They like to play around alot and keep getting hurt." Broccoli boi has picked both me and eri up in his arms the guy he was with pulls his hood and mask down over his face"your hoods and mask came off again, maybe the sizing is off" overhaul"its my first time seeing you two hero's."
Blondie:"right!we're still new, so we're pretty nervous. We're students! We're still so new that it would be-" I zone out of the conversation in fear of what will happen after they go i then unknowingly grip on to the green hair boys shirt to see eri doing the same thing and saying eri" d... Don't go.... " I slightly nod and say" p.. Please" broccoli:"your daughters... seems scared..." overhaul:"they fall alot" broccoli:"for such small children to be trembling like this with out making a sound...i dont think that's normal.." overhaul:"people are watching here, so will you come this way with me? As he walks inside the hero's follow broccoli holding both me and eri. Overhaul" yes, children are hard to understand.they seriously think that... Me and eri both see him taking his glove off and jump out of broccolis arms and run to overhaul "they are always like this I'm sorry you had to listen to my problems too, sorry for the trouble, well do your best at work"(sorry I kinda needed to do that) by then me and eri both grabbed a hand of his each we walk to the house when we get back he turns to us with pure fury all over his face flashback over from yesterday) I shudder as I remember the punishments from yesterday my eyes flutter open scanning the dark room I passed out in, i see eri laying next to me.
Izuku pov:I can't stop thinking about those girls.. They need saving(time skip to after they saved them cause I wanna write more original)it's been 2 days after saving them so I'm going to talk to them.
Shi's pov:me and eri are placed in the same room after being "saved" my eyes flash to the door as there is a knock and broccoli walks in "hey how are you kids going" he says softly as he kneels next to our beds eri:"O-ok" in barely a whisper broccoli:"my name is izuku midoriya but my hero name is deku, what is yours?" he said while looking at eri and me eri"m-my name is eri..." I think about it but decide not to say anything but"shi" in a soft whisper. My eyes widen as u see three more people come in a guy with red and white hair and a guy with blond poffy hair who looks angry i run to half-half and tug on his shirt "up?" i ask he looks down at Me in shock but picks me up I look in to his different coloured eyes and say"you remind me of pepper-peppermint? "I say as I struggle to pronounce the big word I slightly trace his scare on his eye with my tiny finger" so prettyyy" he is just looking "what's your name?" I sqeek "my name is shoto todoroki, what is yours?" he said in a deep voice "ohhh your name is so pretty tod-tod-todroki mine is shi but I don't like it" he smiles at me "you can call me shoto, why don't you like your name it's so pretty" "because it means death" I wriggle my legs so he let's me down I see eri playing with izuku so I walk to the blond guy and tug on his shirt so he lifts me "wha-" he gets a death glare from a tired guy with black hair that I didn't see"yes" he corrected himself I just hit him on his soft hair and jump out of his arms bakugo rages and chases me so I run over to shoto and hide behind his legs and cling onto his leg he looks Down at me then picks me up "he mean."i simply say bakugo is still raging and is taken out by the man and states" time to go" they say thire goodbyes so me and eri are left alone "hehe" eri"whats so funny? "" shoto is kinda cute" eri:"ewwwwwwwwwwbut he is a boy" I laugh and pat her head "imma fast forward myself back to 16 so I can apply to ua" eri:"b-but I'll be alone...." "not if you come with me! After all we are" both"sisters forever "

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2022 ⏰

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