Chapter 2

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Michael is now the youngest richest billionaire in the world with his net worth of 6.5 dollars only at age 22. He owns the worlds leading healthcare equipment corporation
In the world. I haven't seen him since graduation and I still miss him even though it was my fault we broke up over such a stupid thing like having sex with Judith grensher and me accidentally kissing J.P just a day after our break up when Michael came trying to apologize and then since he was leaving for japan that day I never got to tell him that I was sorry. ~Lars passes by asking me if I needed anything to eat and I simply decline because we are almost there and i have to wake up lily and JP from their power naps.~"Lily wake up"-  violently shaking her out of her slumber-"what? are we in California already?" Looking dazed and angry that I woke her up. -"not yet but I wanted to talk to you about something just promise not to laugh ok?" - "yeah yeah sure whatever, hey do you have food?" She said motioning Lars to pass her the chips and then crunching on them. -"lily will you shut up I NEED to tell you something"- "geez Mia don't be such a bitch just spit it out already"- "okay it's well...about your brother" -"what about my brother?"-"shut the fuck up lily I don't want JP to hear!"- I said looking over to where JP happily snored away, ugh he snores like a pig I don't know why I just can't seem to forget about Michael and fall in love with JP instead he's a sweet guy that is polite and respectful to everyone he's funny and he takes me to so many wonderful places and he's also cute except the snoring that I can do without. I don't feel the same heat with JP like when I was with Michael especially when we were making out and his neck smelled  really good, there were times where things got hot and heavy and we needed to stop because things could get carried away but with JP Im really not into it I mean I guess he's a good kisser and all (not Tht I've had a lot of experience in that department) but he's still not as good as Michael

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2015 ⏰

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