Pancakes and Supervillainy

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Heroine asks, "Hey McBaddie, have you seen Side Kick?"

Evil McBaddie answers, "Hey Heroine. I have not."

Heroine breathes out and then says, "Oh good, we can talk."

Evil McBaddie smiles and asks, "What would you like to talk about?"

Heroine says, "I missed you."

Heroine steps closer and says, "We've been so busy at work."

Evil McBaddie steps closer and says, "I know, I'm sorry I've been busy at work. Let me make it up to you."

Heroine rolls her eyes, then grins before asking, "Pancakes again?"

"I can make pancakes," Evil McBaddie says, then heads to the kitchen and starts getting the ingredients ready.

Heroine follows him and hugs him from behind, then asks, "Were you suggesting something else?"

"I was suggesting whatever would make you happy." Evil McBaddie says, then kisses Heroine's cheek.

Heroine blushes and says, "You are such a flirt."

Heroine asks, "Remember when we met? I was in a basement and you had a bomb set to go off in an hour."

"Yep, I remember that," Evil McBaddie answers.

Heroine sits at the table and says, "So much has changed."

"I'm glad I fell in love with you. I'm glad you are in my life," Evil McBaddie says, then he starts cooking the pancakes.

Heroine gets up and asks, "Want some syrup? And when did you fall in love with me? At the first time or the knock off waffle house?"

"Yes please. And the first time I saw you," Evil McBaddie answers.

Heroine gets syrup from the fridge, she's surprised and asks, "I know you were flirty, even then but...Really?"

Evil McBaddie answers, "Really. It's hard not to, you are so lovely."

Heroine puts syrup on the table, almost smirks and says, "You are so sweet for someone made of toxic smoke."

The pancakes finish cooking and Evil McBaddie serves both of them, saying, "You are the sweetest."

Heroine sits down and says, "Please, you are too much."

Evil McBaddie sits down, puts some syrup on his pancakes, and passes the syrup to Heroine then says, "I love you and always will. I'm so glad you are in my life."

Heroine flirting, "My hero~♡"

Heroine grabs the syrup.

Evil McBaddie flirting, "My love~"

Heroine frowns a little bit and says, "I hate that work will make us part."

Heroine takes a fork full of pancake and says, "I wish we could do this more."

Evil McBaddie says, "Yeah, work has been keeping us busy but I love having these moments with you."

"If I see you at work, I will gladly talk with you despite the villain thing. Okay?" Heroine asks.

Heroine eats pancakes.

Evil McBaddie says, "I'm glad. And if I see you at work, I will gladly talk to you too."

"Baddie, I have to ask," Heroine says as she eats pancakes.

"Yes?" Evil McBaddie asks as he eats pancakes.

Heroine asks, "What's with the doom laser?"

Evil McBaddie answers, "It's for general villainy, it cuts through metal. Why?"

Heroine shrugs and says, "It's been hanging over the city for a while and I wasn't sure if it was yours."

"I've just been busy setting everything up for a plan. Thank you for asking." Evil McBaddie says with a smile.

Heroine smiles back.

Heroine sadly says, "Unfortunately, I'm going to have to take it down at some point. You understand, right?"

Evil McBaddie says, "I understand. I'll be glad to see you that day at least."

Heroine drinks some coffee then offers him some. Evil McBaddie smiles and drinks some coffee.

"Now I hope you aren't going to kidnap any ladies to make me jealous," Heroine says.

"I would never try to make you jealous," Evil McBaddie says.

Heroine explains sadly, "My ex boyfriend did...Of course you wouldn't, you are better than he ever was."

"I'll always try to make you happy," Evil McBaddie says.

Heroine kisses him and says, "That's why you are my favorite villain."

Evil McBaddie kisses Heroine back then says, "You are my love."

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