The Long Fall

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Moisture was heavy in the air. Even inside, you could smell the forthcoming rain. It wafted across the trees, overpowering any other fragrance. Refusing to co-exist, it demanded anyone with a nose acknowledge its existence. Standing next to the coffeemaker, the smell of rain was stronger than the brewing coffee.

The skies were draped in gray and white. In the far distance, a brief break in the clouds allowed a beam of sunshine to contact the surface below. The respite from gray and shadow was brief, the hole closed, enveloping the land below in shadow once more. The dour weather was relentless. It had settled over the city days ago and refused to leave.

Constant rain had caused flooding everywhere and had become too much for the drought ravaged land to handle. The clouds gave few breaks, opting to drown everyone instead. As if the weather gods were providing the water required to end the city's drought in scant few days. In the lowest part of the valley, flash flooding had become a serious problem. It almost felt apocalyptic.

She stood in the large kitchen of her house pondering and planning the next few hours. Reviewing her words over and over. Dreading the moment, she had to speak to them. There was nothing easy or fun about today. The weather felt like perfect mood setter. She fought back tears brought on more by exhaustion than sadness. It was more anger than sadness, with a not insignificant dash of concern for her husband.

A flash caught the corner of her eye. She turned to look out the kitchen window and grimaced. Perfect, she thought, let's add lightning to the dour weather. Now they had the final ingredient for the emotional evening ahead. The sky above is as charged as the living room's atmosphere when they begin. Every piece was in place for a depressing, emotional evening.

All was quiet in the house, save for the coffee maker. The hard rain fell outside, the sound of it smashing into the roof reverberated off every wall, enveloping them. Where there other noises mattered not as the rain drowned everything out. Leaning against the kitchen island, she looked at the coffee maker, but did pay it any heed. Lost in thought, distracted by her own emotional pain.

A new sound caught her attention. It was the familiar sound of toilet flushing and the bathroom sink turning on. Her thoughts interrupted briefly before diving back into her own mind. Preparing for tonight's challenges, gathering strength for what was to be an exhausting evening. Wondering, hoping their efforts paid off and a life would be saved.

His actions and inaction had torn them all apart. After sniping at each other for months, it was imperative they set aside the harsh words and present a united front. Help him help himself. Nothing is harder than convincing a psychologist to get mental help. Especially one so convinced of his own infallibility. Someone who believes he knows better than those around him. Blinded by ego and unable to admit his own weakness.

She did not want to call it an intervention. That concept seemed trite and unhelpful. It was more a confrontation, holding up a metaphorical mirror and forcing him to see himself. Show him for he is now and what he is becoming. How it effecting his loved ones and where this path is leading them all. How do you cut through the walls he has built? How do you break them down without destroying the person underneath? She had no answers, none of them did. The person who could answer was the same person they planned to confront. She was afraid joining the police would break him; he walked into a world he was not built for, and it crushed him. She hated herself for being right, and unable to prevent his fall.

She did not how long he was trying to get her attention. His voice had not registered, nor his presence noticed. She had retreated inward, blocking all outside stimuli. As he grabbed a cup and walked in front of her to get some freshly brewed coffee, she was pulled outward once more. She felt bad having ignored a dear friend and the rock of this family, so dragged down by her depression and worry. Damn her husband for doing this to us.

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