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so, hello <3

somehow, thank god, you have stumbled upon my book. 

first, what you should know is that all of the character names and everything about them is completely from my own brain. this is NOT fan fiction. 

second, this is the type of book that has a lot of grief and deep emotional stuff. there's a lot of trauma and tragedy that may not be suitable for some people. if you think stuff like this will affect you, as much as it would be great if you read my book it could be for the best that you skip this one for now. 

third, thank you!! I'm so excited to share the rest of this with you all!

lastly, I know it may sound a little, what's the word, terrible at first, but trust the process. I promise you, it will get better as the story plays out. 

i hope you enjoy this as much as i do!!

love, maia <333

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