Chapter 15

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I quickly got the phone number and tracked the location of where the messages came from.

It came from this school.. in This classroom..

I rang the number and saw someone pick up there phone and decline a call. It was a girl her name was sugar. She was the biggest pick me in human history.

After class I cornered sugar in the janitors closet. Since I was working with ray he gave me a laser thing. I grabbed it out my pocket and pointed it at her face. "Listen you leave me and Henry alone or I'll kill you myself don't even dare telling anyone abt Henry's secret or I'll make your life a living hell" I threatened.

"You don't scare me" she spat at me.

I used the laser on her and she fell to the floor. I quickly called Ray and explained everything. He told me to bring her to the man cave and he'd erase her memories.

I quickly waited for the bell to go and for everyone to go to class. As soon as everyone left I dragged her out the school and down to the man cave. "Here she is!" I screamed as Ray ran into the room with the memory wiper.

"Eh just leave her there" he said pointing to the floor.

I did as he said and backed away so that I wouldn't be effected. He pointed the memory wiper at her face and pressed the button.

As soon as he did it, she started to wake up. We asked her what her name was to see if the memory wiper had worked and she just replied with a random name showing us it worked.

"Thank the lord" I mumbled.

Ray just looked at me then walked away "go back to school Regina" he demanded walking into the other room.

I did as he said and walked back to school. I had no idea what lesson I had now it's not like I listened to when they were telling me.

I just decided I would walk around school until the bell went. Once I got to the school, I started walking around aimlessly until I looked at my phone and saw I had a bunch of messages from Henry.

Hen <3

Where are U?
Lesson started ur not here
Answer me!
Istg Regina
My phone is gonna die

I missed one lesson and he's already going crazy damn. I quickly messaged him back hoping his phone wasn't dead then ran back to my locker waiting.

A/n- sorry y'all for not updating I'm really busy with school and everything I also have writers-block but I'll try update when I can xx 

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