I Don't Deserve Him

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Venti with self doubt issues, Diluc being observant because he's the darknight hero, of course he is.

Also no beta, we die like Xiao's friends

Hurt comfort: here I come *Demoknight tf2 charge sound*


To say Diluc was surprised was an understatement, he was floored, that Drunken Bard had managed to save enough mora for a party, that wasn't the surprising part however, Venti had done that a few times to get wasted so he'd need to stay in one of the spare rooms, although he always looked a little disappointed whenever Diluc left.

No, the surprising part was that Diluc was invited to the party, he'd gone out to little to no parties before, the only parties he remembers going to with his dad... "No thanks Venti, I'm busy that day" Diluc lied using a cloth to wipe down a wine glass that stank of the bitter substance.

"Wha- I didn't even tell you the date!" Venti retorted back clearly annoyed at the red haired vigilante, crossing his arms while taking a drink of dandelion wine, 'if he keeps that up, he won't have a party' Diluc thinks to himself "yes, I'm busy most days, or did you forget what I do?" Diluc inquired from the bard, curiosity present nowhere on his face, barely notable in his voice.

"I could never forget what the amazing Master Diluc does" Venti replied with a wink, of course the two had crossed paths even outside of the bar, Venti likes to wander the outside of Mondstat, so naturally he ran into Diluc's business, helping the redhead on occasion only for the last of the Ragnvindr line to lecture him.

A shame he was the last, the Ragnvindr line was a line of honour, trust and good, why was it a shame? Well, Venti could tell Diluc was gay the first second he saw him, I mean seriously, no straight man dresses like a vampire, a shame that line will end, or maybe not, who knows a surrogate mother might be brought into the mix, who knows really.

Diluc shakes his head, his fiery red hair swiping across his face making it look as if he was surrounded by a whirlwind of flames, an A+ look in Venti's opinion, a sigh escaping Diluc's usually stoic figure "fine, alright, I'll see if I have time, when and where" Venti couldn't contain his smile, it wasn't often he was able to break Diluc.

"right here, tomorrow after sundown" Venti said, a large smile covering the lower half of his face, Diluc raised a eyebrow at that "you managed to book a day of the bar for yourself?" Venti froze recalling sucking up to Mor- wait no, Zhongli so his sugar daddy would give him some mora "ehe, lets just say I had some help" Venti said looking into his half empty wine, hoping Diluc wouldn't be one to pry into his life as an Archon.

"Alright, I'll see if I can be there" Venti smiled, maybe this time he'd finally get the courage to tell the claymore wielding redhead, swirling the last of his dandelion wine, it passing through his throat with no blockage, a skill he learned early drinking the dandelion wine, the two sat in peaceful silence, most of the patrons already having left, the rest too drunk to pick up on their conversation.

Venti's eyes subconsciously looked at Diluc's hands, the firmness that usually accompanied them along with his claymore replaced with careful and thought out movements, the wine glass being carefully but fully cleaned, just the thought of being at the end of the firm grip makes his eyes narrow, a positive of wielding claymores that he doesn't think Zhongli will ever realise.

Forcing himself to stop looking Venti places his wine glass down, now clear of wine, the only thing seeming to say it was there being purple droplets rolling down the inside of the glass, "thank you Master Diluc, I hope to see you tomorrow" Venti said digging around his beret only for Diluc to put it back on Venti's head "consider it your gift for the party" patting Venti's head he returns to cleaning the wine glasses.

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