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~Kendall P.O.V

"Ahhh! Kian!" I yell to my brother.

Yes I am Kian Lawley's little sister. Don't get all fan-girly. My name's Kendall Lawely and I am a 16 year old brunette,well I used to be till I dyed my hair blonde like Kian's. I was born on July 7th 1998.

My parents decided to send me away so that I could be with Kian since we're really close. So instead of going to school I could take online classes. Pretty sweet right?

"Hey Kendall, I missed you sis!" He says hugging me and spinning me around.

"Same." I say returning the hug.

As he sets me down I realise that I'm nearly as tall as him. Slightly.

"Where're the others?" I ask.

"Well I'm here!" Jc screams popping out behind me, we hug I can feel him squeezing me too tight.

"You excited to come to the house?" Jc asks.

"Yeah Jc, I can't wait to be in a house full of boys!" I say sarcastically, jumping up and down.

"Haha. Well your sharing a room with Tevor." He replies,sticking his tongue out.

"What?! Kian I haven't even met him and now I have to sleep in the same room as him!" I yell crossing my arms

You serious! I haven't even met Trevor and now I have to share rooms with him!

"I'm sorry sis but it would be weird if you had to sleep with the other guys plus they're older and Trevor's the same age as you." My brother apologises.

I don't say anything back about his explanation, so I say something else.

"Fine, let's get to the house I'm fucking starving!" I say, as Kian grabs my suitcases.

"When did you start swearing?" Jc asks.

"Since I started watching your videos," I reply.

"And that was?"

"I don't know."

Jc looks at Kian and they both shrug, I follow Jc who is ahead of me.

As soon as I hit the California heat, I take off my red and black flannel then tie it around my waist. I open the car door as Kian put my luggage in the trunk and Jc starts the car.

Kian opens the front car door leaving me at the back by myself.

"How long till we get there?" I ask.

"About half an hour." Jc replies making a left turn.

I check my Twitter, there's a bunch of people who are bragging about Cochella. Which is where I want to go too.

"Kian can we go to Cochella, I've always wanted to go?" I plead.

"Yeah sure, me and the boys were planning on going there anyways. We rented a massive house that's like an hour from Indio plus you get to have your own room." My brother replies.

"Yay my own room!" I squeal, the boys laugh.

Half an hour later, Jc drove up to the house. I opened the car door and looked at the place where I would be staying.

"Sis why don't you go inside, the boys are waiting for you," Kian suggests." I'll take your things up to your room,"

I nod as Jc throws me the house keys, I follow the path that leads me to the front door. I unlock it and open the door. The first thing I see is a banner hanging across two walls that says ' Welcome Kendall!'.

I smile and continue to walk, I'm about to turn a corner when I hear shouts and I feel someone hug me.

The person release and it's Ricky and Sam.

"Hey girl!" Ricky smiles.

"We missed you!" Sam says, hugging me.

"I'm guessing that you guys have already had a little reunion," Jc laughs.

"Where the fuck is he?" Kian cusses, my luggage still in his hands.

"Who?" I ask

"Trevor, this kid is always in his room." Sam answers.

"TREVOR!" Ricky shouts.

"WHAT?!" Trevor replies.


I hear footsteps coming down the stairs.

"What did you bring me down he-" Trevor stops mid sentence as soon as he sees me.

He takes a few steps till he's off the staircase. In person he's actually hot!

"Trev, this is my little sister, Kendal," My brother introduces.

"Kian I'm not little I'm 16!," I complain, crossing my arms together.

"Well you are to me," He replies.

"Ok,well hi Kendal!" Trevor smiles.

"Hi Trevor," I smile back.

"Ok so I'm gonna bring your stuff upstairs then you can unpack," Kian says, heading upstairs.

I follow him and I can hear footsteps behind me, I turn and see that it's Trevor. He gives me a smile, I return it and continue walking upstairs till Kian stops at a door.

"This is your room,well technically yours and Trevor's," He explains,setting down my things inside the room.

"So when your finish come downstairs." Kian says and exits the room, he whispers something to Trevor which causes him to have a slight shocked face.

I shrug and start to unpack.

So this is my first fanfic I hope you enjoyed it!💯

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2015 ⏰

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