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As he approached the Temple Ruins, he spotted, the mist covered watch tower, and hid behind a stone mound. He took out his

Macrobinoculars, and looked inside. ' The thick mists obscured their bodies and faces, but I know three 'dimwits' when I see them. Time to put

my 'baseball' skills to use.' He unclipped a Silver ' sphere' with a Red button on top. He pressed it, and tossed it. in a 'close' direction of the

tower, and it went off. " MY EYES!" " MY EARS!" " THE F****, WAS THAT?!"  Using his boot mounterd jets...,

" Naada, Naada, Naa.., DAX RAZZ!", he sang out.

Razz, managed to find an 'out of the way ' alcove, to eat 'canned' chicken. He heard, 'footsteps' coming in. He found a small, decrative,

fountain, still functional. " To the Jedi spirits still here, let me apologize, before hand.", he said.

" What the 'crap' was that?", asked one of the men. " A 'trick', just a 'trick'. It's all he has.", said the 'leader'. " THey don't know me, very well.",

muttered Razz, lowly, watching from a 'railed' walk way. As, he went on.., " We split up. He's just one man.", said the 'leader'.

Razz, slipped off his pack, and found.., ' Honey packet. Eating 'dry' biscuits, later.'  He dropped it, on the ground, and hid in another

'alcove'. He heard one approch. Razz stepped out, to a burly, muscled one, who stepped on the packet, blaster rifle drawn.

" Now, you did it. Mother once said, ' Dropped food, attracts all 'nasties'.", said Razz. A 'buzzing' was heard, and the Assassin spotted,

a frightful 'swrm' of giant ' horror movie' sized, 'wasps'. " GAH! GET AWAY, GET AWAY!', shoted the killer, running from the swarm.

The other, touched, 'fishing line', set as a 'tripwire' connected to a well 'buried' stick, and the other to an upside down and sideways 'L' shaped

stick, taped to the can, with a medium 'pebble' on the lid of the can, Razz ate out of. He 'yanked' the line, pulling away the stick, and

pulled away the 'lid' and the 'pebble' triggered the can. It exploded. " Nice, using my 'can' and 'micro explosives' to make a 'bouncing betty',

mine.", said Razz.

STAR WARS, NIGHT DAGGER II, TARGET: DAX RAZZWhere stories live. Discover now