9 - study date

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A/N: I know that it seems weird that before there was 20 chapters and now there's only 10 (including dedication) but a lot of the chapters were posted as a small part of a big chapter instead of just the full chapter so i went back and combined certain chapters. Nothing has been added or deleted; chapter 8 ends where the only chapter 20 used to end.

Also, I'm very sorry if this chapter has mistakes in it. Currently very sleep deprived as I'm writing it but I wanted to finish this so you guys would have something new!! Will go back in the morning and correct any mistakes.

The next morning, Charlie drove to Tobes' house before school just as he had promised. One might've assumed that Tobes would've been ecstatic this morning, as he wouldn't have to bike to school in the cold, but he found himself quite irritated. All because Charlie had shown up just three minutes before school was supposed to start—which Tobes was less than pleased about considering it took more than three minutes to get to school.

Though he felt some form of gratitude towards the other boy, he found himself much more stressed out than anything else. Tobes was a person who enjoyed things that were orderly. Punctuality was important to him and he hated when things were unpredictable or irregular.

He watched from the window as Charlie's grey car parked in front of his house. Without wasting a single moment, he rushed out the front door and down the driveway.

"We're going to be late. Couldn't you have been here earlier?"

"Good fucking morning to you too," Charlie muttered as he began to drive towards the school, "I forgot that I was supposed to leave earlier today. I mean, at least I got here before school started so don't get your panties in a twist."

"I was going to use my time in homeroom to study," Tobes sighed.

"What? Do you have a test or something?"

"One test and three quizzes," Tobes answered, "Honors physics, honors psychology, honors English, and honors French."

"Is it really necessary to add the word honors or is that just something you have to do to prove that you're smart?" Charlie criticized; he knew that the other boy had book smarts and was only in advanced classes, but was there really a need for him to make the distinction? If he had just said English instead of honors English, Charlie still would've known what class was being talked about.

"Is it wrong for me to be proud of only being in advanced classes?"

"No, but it sure as hell is annoying," and then, moving forward, "Still, I don't get what studying for ten minutes in homeroom really would've changed."

"I just would've liked to study as much as I could've. I worked from five to ten last night so I really only got to study for a few hours."

"You'll be fine... you're smart or whatever. I doubt you even need to study," Charlie insisted as he turned out of their development and onto the main road.

"I don't know about that. I should be fine on most of it but I didn't do great on my last physics test."

"What'd you get?"

"An 87."

"God, I could punch you," Charlie rolled his eyes, and then sarcastically, "Yeah, getting a B on a test is a terrible grade. You're right, you're a total fucking idiot."

"Well, it's a bad grade for me."

"Doesn't mean it's actually a bad grade," Charlie said as he started to feel somewhat bad about his own performance in school. Sure, Charlie didn't try to get good grades, but he still couldn't help but feel bad when compared to people like October Flynn, "I have this chem test tomorrow that I'm one-thousand percent going to fail."

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