(TFA AU) She's MINE! :: Merformer! Megatron x Hybrid!Reader x Yandere! OP

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Requested by Marvel1Maiden, they wanted A Yandere Merformer x Hybrid! Reader. So here it is IG. I am not really good or experienced in this AU because I'm not interested in the Merformers AU. I have my own to worry about as it seems. So you're gonna have to deal with this. 

Your father was Mr. Sumdac, you were the eldest daughter of him, often when he needed anything, he would be there for you. You were a Merformer. You lived in a warehouse with them and were able to walk on land, despite being dependent on land, you were quite lonely. Since the other Merformers were helping Sari, most of the time. Your father has since disappeared and that left you even more alone. 

Often, you took walks around Detroit, alone because you were alone. That's when you met the leader of the Decepticons, a strong Merformer named Megatron. He was to be feared, but however, he hadn't noticed you yet. Normally, the con can feel a scent of another, but right now, he wasn't paying attention. He was worried about other things at hand, such as getting a heir for him. If he doesn't he won't be able to live on the cons legacy. 

That's when he noticed you, and his grin widened. 

"Hello there (Y/n) Sumdac." He smirks, taking a few steps forward. 

You gasped, and backed away.

"What are you doing here?" You asked, backing away. Megatron just chuckled and continued walking forwards as you kept going back. Until you were no longer able to.

"W-What are you doing here?" You asked the warlord again, Megatron refused to reply. He continued to come up to you, until he was pushed away by Optimus. 

"Back off Megatron!" He stated seriously, a growl was heard from Optimus as he said that.  Megatron growls back. 

"You back off! She's MINE!" Megatron yelled. Megatron began to attack Optimus and you gasped trying to stop them from fighting but that didn't work and you began to cry. Tears escaped from your face. 

"Stop! Please don't hurt each other!" You begged. They took a look at you. 

"Why? Megatron is a danger to us!" Optimus said. 

"Its because I love you!" You said. 

They blushed and looked away. 

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