Save Me~ Yuka's PoV

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I ran through the halls of Heavenly Host as fast as my legs would carry me. I have to get away from this psychopath! It felt like I was running forever until I came to a dead end. No... Oh God please no! The only way out was the way I'd came from and the crazed maniac, also known as Kizami Yuuya, was dashing down the hallway towards me. Onii-chan... Save me...


I woke up screaming, thrashing my legs wildly to escape the grasps of a being that wasn't actually there.

"Yuka! Yuka calm down! He's not going to get you! He's not here!" Satoshi said, rushing through to my room, holding me in a hug in some attempt to calm me down.

"O-Onii-chan I'm so scared... Wh-what if we end up back there? What if.. He gets out and he comes after me.." I asked, trembling in his arms.

By the look on his face, it seemed like he had no real answer for this question, he looked just as worried as I was. I took comfort in the fact that it was only a nightmare, and that I was still in my bedroom, but fucking hell it was a realistic nightmare. I really felt like I was back in Heavenly Host. I couldn't wake up from my dream until Kizami had caught me once more..

"We're going to be okay, Yuka.. As long as we stay as far away from that horrid 'Charm', it can't hurt us.." He assured me. I believed him, Something we don't go near can't hurt us... right?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2015 ⏰

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Forbidden Love ~ Satoshi Mochida x Yuka MochidaWhere stories live. Discover now