(RID2015) Just The Way You Are :: Sideswipe x Female! Human! Reader

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Requested by Butterflymed

Content Warnings: Mention of Sexual Abuse. 

               You and Sideswipe were very close friends, you were  relative of the Clay family, you could tolerate Sideswipes flirting and so, caused him to actually adore you

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               You and Sideswipe were very close friends, you were  relative of the Clay family, you could tolerate Sideswipes flirting and so, caused him to actually adore you. You didn't know that he liked you. After all, you hated the way you look. You thought you were uglier then the girls you saw online. 

Yeah, Yeah, social media doesn't help with self esteem yada yada yada. It still made you feel like you should look a certain way, doesn't help that Strongarm would point out the changes in your appearances, each time you were there. You didn't blame them because they didn't necessarily know it was rude to do such things.

When your there, you wanted to tell Sideswipe how ugly you are, just downright atrocious you are, anyone would agree, You never told Russell or Denny about your feelings. Instead you kept it to yourself, for years you lived with your mother on the opposite town over. Denny and your mother separated years ago and he took Russell and your mother took you. 

Your mother had a boyfriend who would insult your looks everyday and treat you like garbage to the point you asked her to interfere to which she sided with the man, so you moved to live with your father Denny and your younger brother Russell. Your mother tried to make you stay, but you were tired of the verbal abuse. 

It's no shocker why you think that way about yourself now, when you get told you were something over and over and over again, it's became engraved in your brain each countless waking moments. You began to believe it was true. You wanted to tell Denny your real dad, all the abuse surrounding that household the moment you moved in, bur didn't. 

It wasn't just verbal sometimes it got sexual, nothing too close to the lines of sexual assault, but was still abuse nonetheless, the sexual harassment would happen in front of your mother and she would do nothing she believed the person she was dating was a nice man. 

But he wasn't. 

Anyways, you were sitting drawing in the dirt, when Sideswipe approached you. He looked at you and sat down next to you.

"Hey (Y/n). How are you?" Sideswipe asked cheerfully.

"I'm fine..." You said.

Sideswipe frowns.

"You don't seem that happy. Can you tell me what's wrong?" He asked.

"Do you think I'm ugly?" You asked.

"Um. What?"

"Do you think I'm ugly?" You asked again.

Sideswipe gave you a side optic. Like he was giving you an "Are you serious" look.

"No you're not (Y/n). Why would you think that?" Sideswipe asked.

You let out a shaky sob. "It- It's just that I think I am. I look ugly, and my mothers husband abuses me and my mother doesn't do ANYTHING!" You sobbed. Sideswipe seethes and held you close.

"You are not ugly, you're beautiful to me and that counts. That jackass is nothing to you.  Shame on your mother for allowing that scum treat you like this! And equally shame on your step-father for treating you this way."

Sideswipe held you close and smiled gently.

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