The fight for our love

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This was posted on twitter so the story is not very continuous. English
is not my native language, so I apologize for any mistakes. Good reading!  🤍


It was their wedding day. Eda was running late. She forgot her precious necklace at home. It was her mother's gift since she was a little girl, she can not forget to wear it today.

-Damn traffic!
she stopped before the red light in long line of machines. She was getting nervous. She had only 1 hour left.
she saw the green light and immediately pressed the pedal to overtake the cars in front of her as quickly as possible.
she saw the text from her husband-to-be.
- Are you ok?
Eda was about to text back with:
- Yes, I'm coming, my man, don't worry.
but she failed.
That message didn't reach Serkan because it became black. Everything around her became darkness. She didn't see a truck coming from another way.
- Where are you, my love?


10 mins left she still isn't here. Serkan was a big mess.
- Serkan, maybe she is stuck in traffic. You know it's evening. It's normal.
- No, it's not. I can feel something is wrong, my heart is in pain. I'm not good so she isn't too. I texted her but she didn't respond to me. She won't do it if she is okay.

Her head was bleeding. Her car was unrecognizable. Only approaching police, ambulance, and fire station sirens could be heard around.
- Get her out, she's pinched, and we need to mow the car.

- "There was a tragic accident on the highway just a couple of minutes ago. Two people were injured, one of them, a young girl is in bad condition. "

- E-e-da.. ,-his voice trembled - it is Eda's car...
he swayed in weakness.
- n-nn-o...
Serkan was sitting next to her room in the hospital. It was already a deep night, he was sitting there for more than 7hours without even standing up or talking.
- Serkan, please, drink water. You look terrible.
- No, I don't want it.
he pushed Melo's hand.
- If she won't wake up, what's the reason for me to live?

4 more hours passed and finally, the doctor came out from the ward.
- Operation was successful.
Serkan's face brightened like he had been born again.
- She will be alright, yes?
his voice trembled.
- We still don't know. She may have disorders or eternal consequences after surgery.
His smile disappeared again.
- And oh, I forgot the most important thing for you I think, sorry.
the doctor turned back, and Serkan was wondering what he has to tell more.
- It was hard for us to do it after the crash but we saved your baby.
- A baby?
- You don't know? Eda hanim is pregnant.

A baby? Eda is pregnant? Did she know before this before the crash happened?
It was too much for him, he sobbed sitting on the floor.
- I shouldn't let her go alone, it's my fault.
I was sitting next to her on the bed. I held her arms in mine. She was so weak, her face was pale, she looked so different. I can't see her like this then I'm living here as always and she isn't.
Why life is doing this? I should be in her place, I should be suffering not she.

Three days passed Eda still don't wake up. I wasn't eating, wasn't sleeping, wasn't leaving the room because what was the reason? I was talking with her, with our baby, and I was praying for God to keep my angels next to me alive.

- Eda, love, please wake up. I need you. Our baby needs you, she needs you to be strong. And yes I know it's a girl, I feel it while kissing your belly, touching it. Eda, you can't be like this. Come back to us.

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