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A girl is running.

Running to the boy she would never forget.


She heard the laugh that came from the boy and could not stop the smile that formed on her face. He never failed to make her smile.

She knew they needed to return to their mother soon so she slowed her pace and tried persuading him to stop with their chase.

"Anakin!"she said as she stopped running. "I'm tired." taking a deep breath with her hands on her knees and her head towards the ground. Looking up, she saw him stop. Well that worked.

"Oh, come on Aleiah, you slowpoke." Anakin said with a smile, because he knew it would annoy his sister.

"Slowpoke?" She said, taking slight offense from his statement. Aleiah crossed her arm."I am no slowpoke, little Ani," using her nickname for him. "I am simply faking it for you to pay attention to me." she went to where he is stood and kneeled infront of him, wiping away the dirt off his cheek "We have to go back to mom."

She stood and placed an arm around his shoulder and ruffled his hair.

"Hey!" Anakin exclaimed. "Not the hair!" whining like the little boy he is.

"Oh, you love it when I do that" she teased, with a cheeky smile displayed on her face. They start to walk through the busy street of Tatooine.

He sighed.

"I do," he mumbled, while he looked down at his feet to avoid his sister's eyes. He knew she was smirking down on him.

"You do." she looked down to him, a smile replacing the smirk which showed her dimple on the right cheek.

"Come on, little Ani. I bet mom is looking for us." continuing their walk.

————— ⭑ ☆ ⭑ —————

A tug on her arm made her pull away from her thoughts . Anakin quickly ran towards their place dragging his sister along with him.

"Come on, Leia!" he screams, wanting to see their mother as soon as he can. "I can see our house."


Tatooine had never been good to her family. They were slaves, always being bossed around and can't do anything about it. She can never call Tatooine her home

They waited for the door to open. Once it was, Anakin pulled Aleiah inside to search for their mother.

"Mom! We're back." Anakin said.

Shmi Skywalker walked in to greet her children. She was immediately infulged in a hug by Anakin. Aleiah watched as her mom kissed Ani all over his face, him complaining. Aleiah rolled her eyes at his reaction knowing quite well that he was enjoying the affection.

She was leaning on the wall while she watched her mother and brother hug. She loved the sight. The two most important people in her life. She's lucky to have them.

"Leia, why are you just standing there?" Her mother questioned. "Come here, join the family hug!" She smiled at her daughter.

Aleiah wasted no time and joined the hug.

Her mother and Anakin

That's her home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2022 ⏰

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