Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

The Good Things

"You're such a sweet sister," The blonde Nord woman says. "Making promises to your little brother like that."
"Promises don't mean anything unless you keep them," I tell her, quickly turning away so I don't see her shocked expression. It's true, though. I've made a lot of promises in my life, but I've kept very few. My word doesn't mean anything. Not anymore.
Brandr is still sleeping. I imagine he'll be like this until morning.
I consider ordering myself another drink, so that I may sleep that soundly too, but decide against it. A part of me actually wants to finish my story. It helps, in a way. I feel like I'm letting go of my troubled past. But it also hurts, like an old wound being reopen.
"So...?" The Orc rumbles.
"'So' what?"
"Are you going to finish or keep us waiting all night?"
I shoot him a withering glance, but clear my throat to continue speaking. "It was Svogre's 18th birthday. Everyone was happy..."


Everyone was gathered at the Stolen Locket to celebrate Svogre's 18th birthday. This was his big moment. My big brother wasn't going to be a child anymore, he was on his way to becoming an adult.
I was happy for him, of course, but I couldn't calm my aching heart. I knew that becoming a man meant he'd leave us. Probably to go work on a farm near Whiterun or trade as a merchant in Riften. Svogre was going to get to experience something new and exciting, but I wasn't going to be there with him.
The thought of him leaving home was too much to dwell on, so I tried to focus on the happier things.
Mother added logs to the hearth, making its fire glow brightly. Jasper was trying to figure out one of Lasska's ward spells and, much to Lasska's amusement, was failing miserably. Jasper's parents conversed with Father, they laughed and drank some spiced wine, which was a local favorite.
I was tidying up the inn, so that when Svogre came back from his work on Katla's farm, he'd be surprised with our little party.
I set out a plate of sweet rolls next to the other delicious foods we had prepared earlier. Mother gave me the same approving look she always gave when someone helped out around the house. "Good, good," She praised me. "Now go stand outside and when you see him coming, knock on the door."
I nodded and split from the food table. I left the warm atmosphere of the Stolen Locket. Outside was chilly, like almost every Skyrim night.
I leaned against the wooden door and peered through the dark night air. A pair of guards walked by, each holding a lit torch in their hand. I waved to them in greeting. They returned my wave with a nod before continuing on their way.
Then, outlined in the moonlight, I could make out a tall, muscular figure.
As he got closer, I confirmed it was Svogre. I knocked on the wooden door before running up to greet him. His blonde hair was silvery in the night air, a small smile was etched into his face, and his dark eyes shone with happiness.
"Hello, Winter. Were you waiting out here for me?"
I avoided the question by asking one of my own. "Why such the chipper mood?"
"I'm just happy because it's a beautiful night," He responded.
"It's freezing."
"Well, yeah. But look at the sky." Svogre titled his head up to gaze at the brightly twinkling stars. I did the same.
Bright oranges and yellows lit up the dark night sky. Aurora Borealis was indeed beautiful, but it was also very common in the north. Svogre, however, seemed truly fascinated by the streaks of light. The moons, Masser and Secunda, looked down on us with their soft glow.
"It's pretty," I admitted. "But it's like this nearly every night."
Svogre looked a little taken aback by my comment. He seemed to find his words and said, "If you see something you love every day, does it loose its beauty to you?"
I felt my face begin to grow hot because Jasper instantly came to my mind. I saw him every day. Every day he still seemed just as great.
"You have a point."
Svogre looked me in the eyes. "Just don't ever take the good things for granted."
After that, his eyes moved back up to the stars. I don't know how long we stood there, staring up into the dancing night sky. A comfortable silence had settled over us and my mind was churning with Svogre's words. Don't ever take the good things for granted.
Finally, my numbing hands and frozen nose reminded me of the warm party waiting for us inside.
"C'mon," I told him. "Let's head on in."


The party was fantastic. Svogre was so surprised when he first saw that everyone was there.
Father played his lute and Jasper's dad drummed a drum. We all danced around the inn to their sweet music. Jasper and I laughed as we tried to keep up with our fathers' fast paced tunes. Svorge and Heddvir seemed to be a little more coordinated than Jasper and I, they danced wonderfully.
Even Mother, who usually preferred to stand and watch took part in the fun. She danced with Lasska for a little while before once again jointing the sidelines with Jasper's mother.
When the party was winding down, Svorge said that he had an announcement to make. We all fell quiet as he started speaking.
"I just want you all to know that a few weeks ago, I signed up to join the Imperial Legion. Today I was informed that I will be stationed in Helgen, along with the other new recruits."
Mother let out a gasp and exclaimed, "When will you be leaving?"
Based off of her voice and expression I couldn't tell if Mother was proud or worried.
I was definitely worried.
"I'll get my new armor in two days tops. I'm off to Helgen on Sundas at noon."
At the thought of him leaving in five days, my knees grew weak and I felt a little light-headed.
After that, everyone seemed to celebrate with even more joy. Father was glowing with pride. "My oldest son," He'd said, "off to be an Imperial soldier!"
Many congratulations were thrown around and Mother smiled through it all. Though, I could tell by how tense her shoulders were, that she was worried for her oldest son. I kept quiet about my own doubts, as well.
It was what he wanted, wasn't it? Who would I be to stand between him and his next adventure?
But still, the Imperial Legion seemed so far from what I had pictured for him.
I tried to reassure myself that he probably wouldn't see much combat. But then I remembered the rebellion. Stormcloaks, they called themselves. They wanted to get rid of the Empire's presence in Skyrim, as well as the Thalmor's. So far the rebellion hadn't affected us; it was something small and distant. It was non-threatening.
I thought about the amulet of Talos Svogre kept tucked under his clothes. It was a sign of his faith and our religion. But what if a Thalmor were to catch him wearing it?
Suddenly, I became angry with Svogre for wanting to join the Imperials and Thalmor. They had betrayed us when they banned Talos worship. Why would he want to join something that was against a part of his beliefs?
All of Solitude supported the Imperial cause. Everyone, it seemed, except me.
I didn't support the Imperial Legion. And I definitely did not support Svogre going off into potential danger without someone by his side.
I wanted to put a voice to my stormy thoughts, but as I looked around the room, so happy and full of life, I couldn't bring myself to ruin it. Svogre's words ran through my mind the rest of the night, forcing me to keep quiet.
Don't ever take the good things for granted.

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