Chapter 2

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Author's POV:

Dear readers, I'm extremely sorry for such a big delay. I'm having final exams so therefore was and still am very busy. I hope you guys will respect my privacy and be ok if the next few chapters gets published very late. Also please do comment down below and tell me how you're liking "A Bully's Tough Love" series. I was thinking maybe I should do another season but one of the 'girl squad'. But if you want to make a suggestion please do let me know and I can quickly add it o my least.

Thank you,

Let's start,

Another side of the world, Is Sana living in a new life. Eventhough her life completely changed after that miserable experience, she's still the girl deep inside that bleeding broken heart. Sid! Oh that idiotic Sid! Did he really had to be a dickhead? Who's suffering now ? EVERYONE!

Sid POV:

" It's Aryan's 4th Birthday. Wow! who knew world can revolve that fast?! Me still drunk in the corner of a shady bar crying about why God isn't on my side. WHERE CAN THIS GIRL REALLY BE?" The Next Morning,                                                                                                                                                                " I heard Niya talking to someone but crying and laughing at the same time! Is it my hangover from last night? I slowly paced in a manner where Niya doesn't catch me spying on her. "Yes I'm absolutely fine. Please don't worry about me."IS IT REALLY HER VOICE? As soon as I heard that melodious voice, I couldn't help but yelp as my tears streamed down my baggy eyes. I quickly snatched the phone from Niya's hand and say "Hello! Sana please talk to-" and before I could finish my sentence she hung up on me. Why is she was avoiding me? why? Don't I get a second chance just like others? I gave the phone back to Niya and left to office as I wanted to get this out of  my mind. Why are you affecting me so my Shehnaaz? Why can't I stop thinking about you?" Later,                                                                                                                                                                                             "My Secretary Isha gave me a document that was sent from Belgium's biggest company. The CEO wants to have a meeting as they want to collaborate with SINGHANIA ENTERPRISES. This is epic! I don't why but this gave me feeling that should go Belgium. After talking to Isha about booking the ticket't leave next week I headed home.I really need to tell mum this news . Haha, I can already Imaging her dancing about it and telling me how proud she is and bless me for doing more good in the future. I will do anything to see my old mother happy. May God be my side. As soon As I headed home Niya gave me call saying that I need to reach the hospital ASAP."


Who's in the hospital? Will Sid cancel his tickets now? What's going to happen next?          Read on to find out more!

Author's short notice: This chapter will be a short one as the next has more coming up.

Thank you for reading.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2022 ⏰

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