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Your POV

Now let me tell you, my sixteen years of life so far have not been a fairytale. Honestly they've been much of the opposite.

My mother died giving birth to me. She drank a lot through her pregnancy which cursed her with plenty of health issues already, however when I decided to come early it put a lot of stress on her body. She couldn't handle the pressure, and so a ripe two minutes after I entered this crude world, the woman who brought me into it was no more. All that was left was a cold corpse on some whitewashed sheets.

Naturally my father, who never wanted a child in the first place, blamed me for her death. Throughout my early childhood years he often refused to admit I was his kid, ignoring invitations to meetings with teachers and telling his friends that his baby had been lost with his wife during the birth.

I cooked his meals for him every day from the ripe age of 5, and if they weren't to his liking I was rewarded with a beating and no food for the next two days. One day in the fourth grade he apparently had had enough of me and threw me and what little belongings I had out the door. Not knowing where to go and too scared to tell the police, I wandered around town for three days before a younger man found me.

At this point in my life I was ashamed of my quirk, having been told for years I didn't deserve to have the same power my mother once held. So I'd only used it out of curiosity when I was small. It's an odd quirk, not really working with the rules of science, but what does anymore? It's called molecular construction, meaning I can change how the atoms in anything are put together. I can't change the attributes of the atoms, so I can't change anything but the shape, or "construct", of something. Overuse of my quirk can change my own appearance in an irreversible manner, so I could completely mutilate my body if I went too far.

Basically, I had little to no control over my quirk in the fourth grade. Therefore, I was left defenseless when this man decided he found attraction in the body of a ten year old. I only escaped when I was able to maneuver the wall of the alley to slam into him. I ran until my vision blurred, no pants, let alone underwear, only stopping when I found shelter under the branches of a mahogany tree.

Since that day I've lived my life on the streets, getting clothes from the local homeless shelter every three months and feeding off of the scraps I could steal from the weekly market stalls. I'll admit it wasn't so bad. It was certainly better than going crawling back to my dad. At least that's what I thought until I had the misfortune of running into Mr. Patchwork when trying to snag some bread at the market, because I had about three seconds before I felt his fist collide with my head and my mind slipping into nothingness.

That's all I can remember.

Now I open my eyes to find myself lying on a cold stone floor, my wrists and ankles bound tightly by a rough rope. I bring myself up to sit on my knees, shaking my head as my eyes adjust to the dark.

I'm in what seems to be an old rundown bar, all the windows are heavily boarded and dusty bottles of whiskey and rum rest on the counter. The room I'm in is quite empty, I take note of the fact that there's a door that seems to lead outside behind me and an entry way that I can't see through to my left.

I realize I'm not gagged and when I speak my voice is hoarse from not being used.

"Hello? Whoever did this to me you'll pay!" I shout into the darkness. I receive no response. The minutes tick by and I try to undo my restraints but to no avail I can't reach them. I sit in the silence, simply listening.

I don't know how long it's been but I can hear the dull thud of footsteps coming from the hall of the entrance to my left. I shout.

"Who's there!?"

"Now, now, sweetie, that's not a respectful tone." I watch as the outline of the same man from the market enters the room, walking at a steady pace with a smirk plastered on his features. I open my mouth to shout again but before I so much as take in a breath, he'd crossed the room. In the split second so have I see his scarred hand brought to my face before searing blue flames dance across my nose and cheeks. I wince at the heat.

The male takes a step back. Almost half of his skin is crisp and purple, his hair just as dark as the room. His clothes are dirty and torn, the only light coming from the white hot flames flickering across his hand. "That was only a warning, keep struggling and next time I'll blacken your whole body."

I can't contain my rage anymore. I've been put through so much shit in my life I'm not letting myself sink any lower! I fight against my bindings in an attempt to stand and fall to my knees once more. I scream.


The only response I got was a hard blow to the jaw sending my skull to meet with the cool stone below me. I feel the blood trickling from the corner of my mouth and scowl at the man laughing above me. Another face joins him.

This one is the face of a girl, her hair bright blonde and in two messy buns. She smiles, flashing what appears to be sharp fangs, she plays with a knife in one hand. Her voice is squeaky as she answers my question.

"Awe, we don't want much, just your quirk."

My breath hitches. "My quirk..?"

"Oh yes, your power is very precious to us. With it we could achieve all our goals and not need to pity anyone else for help." Like a little girl, she places her hands behind her back and stands on her toes as she continues. "Now just because we need something from you, that doesn't mean we don't get to have our fun with you first!" She then swiftly slashed her blade towards my face, I jerk my head to the side, causing her to narrowly miss.

"Ohhh! You're a fighter!" She cackles.

My muscles are limp and my mobility is limited. I just need my fingertips to touch the ground...that's all I need. I squirm, trying with all my might to position myself right, but the male's hand meets my neck and my feet leave the ground. He slams me against the wall, knocking the wind out of me. I continue to feel that steady stream of blood flowing from my mouth. He snarls. "Now don't be difficult, we don't WANT to hurt you, this'll all be over quick if you'll just cooperate."

His hand tightens around my throat and I wince. I feel my fingertips brush the wall behind me and I take the opportunity to strike.

"I'LL NEVER GIVE YOU WHAT YOU WANT!" I quickly convert the wall into a thick concrete pillar that slams into his chest. Pieces crumble and fall to the floor and he stumbles, trying to remain on his feet. There's no doubt I cracked a few ribs.

I hit the floor, still bound by the rope digging into my skin. I wiggle across the floor and prop myself against a large, jagged stone. I begin to rub the rope binding my wrists against the sharp surface, slowly cutting it.

"GET THEM!!" The scarred man shouts and the blonde rushes at me. I feel the rope snap a muster all my strength to swing out at her. I feel my fist collide with flesh and the next second I'm reaching for another sharp stone. I cut the rope around my ankles and then do the most sensible thing I've ever done.


I bolt to the door behind me and slam all my body weight into it. The wood cracks easily and the hinges swing open. Pale evening light leaks into the room. With all the last energy I have I propel myself into that light.

I feel like I did that night. I feel the tears building in my eyes as the cold wind whips my face. I feel the burning in my legs as each step I take gets me farther from what very well could have killed me. Where am I going? I don't know. Where am I? Don't know that either. It's all so familiar and I hate it.

I don't know how long I've run for but I found a deserted alleyway. I slow until I collapse, letting the tears run down my face. Shaking sobs rack my lungs, blood drips into my lap. I don't move. All I want to do is sit here and cry.

That's what I'm going to do.

1559 words

NOW YOU CAN'T TELL ME THAT ISN'T SUCH A BETTER FIRST CHAPTER! I mean we got all the drama and it just feels so much more real. I hope you all enjoyed it <3
- Bug

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