Fact # 6

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Hey!! Look I'm going to post a Big Hero 6 fact and the fact is already number 6!!!!! Coincidence ....maybe any way here it is

Fact #6: This video shows 1 deleted scene from Big Hero 6.
The video is above or the side.
The first video was so cute!!! :3
Hiro is a little boy when Tadashi noticed he is already a genius. They both entered SFIT together and built Rocket Boots for Mochi!!! Poor Mochi :(
Then Aunt Cass said "TADASHI!!!HIRO!!!"
Hahahahaha!! The Hamada Bros are busted!!! How cute!!

Well it was so amazing why did they have to cut it?!

If you want more just search:
Big Hero 6 deleted scenes
On YouTube or the internet and you will find it ;)

Hope you enjoyed it.
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