Chaper 4

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You're now at home. Sitting in you room playing video games. Your mom comes up and tells you Nobita wants to see you. You walk to the door and open it. Nobita looks at you and asked to come in. As you let him he asks if him and you could go to your room.

~~In Y/N's room~~

As you both sat down it looked like Nobita wanted to say something but was embarrassed. Wait embarrassed? Does this mean? You ask him, "H-H-H-Hey Nobita?" You start to ask. He looks up at you, sightly blushing. Then without warning you kiss his cheek. He face lights up with blush. He giggles a bit, knowing his new crush likes him back. He starts to ask "Y-Y-Y/N why, do you like me back?" He shakes. "I'm not good at anything really, I suck at sports, I suck at school, I su-" you cover his mouth with your hand. "I can't really explain it..." you say as you take you hand off his mouth. He gets closer. Your heart starts to beat. "Y/N..." he's trying his hardest to make a confession back but can't seem to say a thing. You hold his hand, and say "I know what you're trying to say, but don't bother, I already love you!" You then kiss him on the lips. He blushes, giggling again. "What about Shizuka though?" You ask. "Oh, I've never told her my feelings, but I don't need to worry now because I've got you!" He hugs you while you want your heart to calm down. You hug him back running your hand through his hair. You can't believe what happening now, Nobita the boy you loved, is finally this close to you. Hugging you, loving you! You can help but blush as much as he is right now. You two stay hugging for sometime.

~~time skip~~

Your mom tells you that dinner is ready, and Nobita has to go home. Nobita seemed sad about how the fact he had to leave his new girlfriend. He waved good bye and left. You talk to your mom about Nobita sense she asked.

~~At Nobita house~~

"Doraemon stop, don't you think I'm blushing enough?" Nobita shouted. "Relax Nobita, they like you and that's what matters." Doraemon said to Nobita. Nobita looked at Doraemon with an annoyed glare. "Anyway, what about Shizuka? You know that furture will change?" Doraemon asked wanting to know if Nobita REALLY meant that he was dropping Shizuka. "Yes, I know, but because Y/N loves me back, I can finally be with someone that makes me feel loved!" He said. Doraemon rolled his eyes a bit, "Well, if your going to marry Y/N then makes sure TO TREAT THEM NICE!" Doraemon raised his voice on the last few words.

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