Class Fight

11 1 0

Tadashi: 12
Hiro: 8

Hiro remembers while playing with a couple of his toy cars when Tadashi's heavy footsteps were heard rushing up the stairs followed by aunt Cass's demanding voice.

She doesn't sound very happy. Her voice was filled with concern that had an edge of firmness to it.

As soon as Hiro sees his older brother, he stops playing with his toys to watch the sight before him. His backpack is still secured and hanging off his shoulder when he walks in not looking up.

His face is slightly flushed as soft choked sobs escape past his trembling lips. Silent tears are rolling down his cheeks and Tadashi lifts the back of his hand to wipe them away.

It's unusual and it catches Hiro's attention. Why was Dashi crying? He remembers asking himself when a frown appears on his face at the sight of his older brother upset.

It's not until Tadashi takes his backpack off and drops it onto his bed when Hiro notices his brothers red collared shirt doesn't look the same that it had before he left to school that morning.

It was wrinkled around his collar as if someone had tugged or pulled at it hard enough to get it to stick out. He also notices his brother has a small yet noticeable red bruise by his eye, but stays quiet.

Did someone hurt his Dashi?

Hiro wants to ask. He wants to get up and run to his brother to give him a hug, but he's too shocked. He's processing everything he's seeing and he can't move. 

Tadashi then wipes both hands across his face again when aunt Cass's voice is heard again. This time her footsteps are coming up the stairs and that makes Hiro's stomach sink. What was going on?

"Tadashi" she calls this time her voice is light and caring when she appears up stairs into their room. She looks to Hiro and give him a weak smile before walking toward Tadashi's room where his back was turned to the both of them.

When she makes it to Tadashi, she crouches down behind him, a comforting hand on his shoulder when she speaks softly. Hiro can't hear what she says, but whatever his aunt whispered caused the oldest to turn around and face his aunt.

Tadashi was hurt. His eyes were glistening and tears kept rolling down his cheeks when aunt Cass placed both hands on his shoulders and spoke to him. Hiro heard bits and pieces of the conversation.

"You're okay" She nods when her nephew sniffles,"everything is going to be fine. I talked to the principle and they won't be picking on you ever again. I promise."

"No" Tadashi whines, wet eyes looking at his aunt while shaking his head," they will—they always will."


"Why can't I just move schools!" He cries, slowly breaking in his aunts hold, but she keeps her eyes on his. Her grip on his shoulders tightens comfortably and her gaze is warm, but firm

"Are you sure that's what you want honey?

He nods while choking on a soft sob," Y-Yes. I need to. I- I don't want to face them anymore."

"Tadashi, you—"

"— they scare me aunt Cass"

He finally admits before raising another shaking hand to his face to wipe his fallen tears away. Hiro notices aunt Cass doesn't say anything, but just stares at her crying nephew. A few seconds linger in their sniffling silence before Hiro sees her nod.

"I'm tired of the name calling" he sniffles weakly taking a reassuring breath through his mouth," I don't want to be there.."

"Okay.." Cass speaks before drawing Tadashi close to her chest and bringing him in for a warm hug".. we'll move schools.

That was the first time Hiro saw his older brother cry. It was different. Hiro didn't like the sick feeling in his stomach when he'd witnessed the situation. He wanted Tadashi to feel better. He didn't want to see him sad.

After Tadashi's tears dried up, that's when Hiro found that he could move again. Getting up from his spot on the floor he ran to his brother and gave him a big hug.

He didn't let go, but it was okay because Hiro felt Tadashi's chest shaking with genuine laughter from the sudden surprise. His arms then shortly wrapped around his smaller frame and held onto his little brother.

Hiro remembered Tadashi feeling better after that hug and how aunt Cass brought them both downstairs to the kitchen for a feel better snack.

Gummy bears. Hiro's favorites. Tadashi had shared some of his gummy bears when Hiro finished his and then they watched some tv. Hiro could tell that just from the smile on Tadashi's face he wasn't really okay.

Although he was smiling and laughing and talking, there was still a hint of red in his cheeks and eyes form his previous crying. Something more was being hidden beneath his smile, but he didn't dare show
because Tadashi was always happy.

Tadashi was always fine.

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