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She lay aside I in bed,

I know she breathes no longer,

The thumping of her pulse stopped weeks ago.

But I can't tell anyone,

I can't let her enter heavens gate.

I care for her,

I warm her frozen body,

I spray her with air freshener to compress the smell,

I cradle her corpse at night so it knows it isn't alone,

She is okay.

She has always been okay.

The drugs I gave her that night were just to make her stay,

We will lay aside each other forever,

We have always been best friends,

We always will be.

And though she doesn't speak,

I hear a thousand words,

A thousand I-love-yous.

I love her too,

I have always loved her.

Though, her body has began to crumble,

I don't think she wants me,

Her particles are escaping.

Why are they escaping,

Why are the voices fading,

Why is her love moving on,

Why is she entering heavens gate.

Now, here I sit,

On the edge of my bed,

Legs crossed.

Covered in my own blood,

Drinking milk from a broken glass...


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