the adventure

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The carrige was rolling at top speed I followed them for about three days then i lost them. I knew I would never find him so i went to the nearest town and caught a carrige to "anywhere good" i said. He took me to a city called solitude, he said it was the capitol.

The citizens there told me about a civil war that was going on. They said it was between the imperials(them) and the stormcloaks (the rebels). I decided I would join the stormcloaks (I didnt tell anyone) and left to windhelm (the person i was talking to told me where the stormcloak headquarters were)

When I got there I went straight to the leader. His name was ulfric stormcloak (explains the name) when I saw him he said to me "What do you want, You khajiit filth?!?!" I looked at him for a moment, and thought loudly in my head 'NOPE I WILL NOT BE THIS GUYS SOLDIER, the people in solitude were a lot nicer to me' so without another word I turned around and left.

When I got to solitude I went staight to the commanding general, I said "I would like to join the imperial legion". "Interesting....." He said with a hint of surprise in his voice, "why would a khajiit want to be in the imperial legion?" "Well..." I thought about it, "I think the stormcloaks are too proud and need to be knocked off their high horse." He burst out laughing, that was just the affect I was hoping to have. "If I could let you in right now I would... But I have to make sure you are devoted, so I need you to go take care of a couple of bandits that have been terrorizing whiterun, they are just to the west of it. Report back to me once it is done, IF you survive." "DEAL" i said with full confidence. And now to whiterun I go!

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