"He's a brilliant dancer"

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"Fuck you"-That slipped out of my mouth when I saw that face.
"What a great day Chibi-san, you always great me the most wonderful way"- he said that and it makes me wanna vomit.
"Are you gonna be there?, for you to know I already have a partner so even u begging me won't change that"-I'd like to punch him but if I do Mori won't be happy and he might even ban me from dancing.
I've decided to ignore him and simply walk away, and that's what I did but something or someone stopped me.
"Heyyyy where are you going ,I know someone you could dance with"-That interested me so I looked at him to show that I was listening, I hate looking at him after all that but I did want to know what he was talking about.
"I'm not doing that for you, but for him, being there would be a good experience and I'm sure he would enjoy the dance. I'll introduce you to him he's a brilliant dancer"-With that he walked away and left me thinking about "him".

After all that I walked to the bar to talk with Akutagawa about what happened.
My thoughts still thinking about the "someone" that Dazai mentioned.

"Is there a fucking possibility he talked about Jinko "-It surprised me how angry he sounded when he said that name.
"Jinko?,the guy you've never met but you talk about him all the time? wait you have a crush on him?!"
"NO!"-he yelled, and I was honestly really shocked, I don't know why but Akutagawa has some unexplained hatred to the guy.
"Okey,then can you explain why you hate the guy so fucking much?"
"Just don't fucking dance with him"
With that Akutagawa just walked away without explaining anything as an other person that left me alone this day.

I got to my house still thinking about that mysterious person and how Akutagawa reacted to the fact that there could be possibility that it was the "Jinko" he talked about.I thought to myself that I'll visit Dazai's new school and ask him about the guy and why Akutagawa seemed so upset when I said what happened.

Dancing with the opposite team [Chuuatsu]Where stories live. Discover now