Bite of night

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His day had been difficult! He was ready to go home, kiss his son and pour a nice cup of brandy. It was February 27th and Lyall Lupin was fed up. Hechadcbeen screamed at twice today and returned the favour by screaming at three of his opposition.

Lyall Lupin was currently tied up in his most serious court case. He worked fir the Non-Human magical enforcement agency, meaning if  something nin human threatened the magical world, he was kn it. That brought him to his current case.

Two weeks ago to the date, a reporter bad broken into the office and discovered many flaws. It felt like seconds vefore the entire wizarding world was alerted of every flaw he or his colleagues has ever made. He worst part was the werewolves. 

Werewolves were dangerous, vicious monsters whom the minstry couldn't control. They tried but the registry was not working. Lyall had always thought it was fair. Surrender three days so you don't kill anyone, no they didn't exactly get a five star stay but, why veckme a werewolf of uou weren't willing to accept those consequences. It stopped pain and suffering. It was completely reasonable!

Which was exactly the point he had made three days prior. Fenrir Greyback glad cornered him on his way to work -his way to a court hearing dicussing that exact problem. Lyall expressed every one possible his feelings. To his surprise... February didn't react. He liked his yellow teeth and walked off.

Lyall arrived at the court gearing that day, yesterday and today. His point unaltered. 

He was against the freedom of werewolves on a full moon. He didn't really like the idea of them veing out at all. He promised he would always stand by his point... werewolves are plagues to wizardkind.

He got home thinking he had left the office at home. His wife, Hope Lupin was sat dwarfed in the armchair. A glass of wine in her hand and Lyalls largest coat covering her. She smiled as she saw his face, he followed her actions. He pecked get cheek and took a seat onbthe couch besides them.

There house wasn't glamorous. The sofa was brown with two white, three black and one pink pillow. Hopes armchair had tore serval times and been sewn up by her, however they couldn't afford the colourmatch so oddthings around the house made do. Half the left curtain had even ripped down for that purpose. A crack in the whits walls was covered with a hand drawn picture remus drew a few months ago. An open pgotoslbum hid the coffee stain on the table.

It wasn't perfect, but it was home.

Hope began by asking how Lyalls day went. He began and barley stopped. His stress levels dropped as he talked, his wife had that effect. Her perfect eyes begging him to go on, her sweet lips smiling yo him, her little dimples making her all too irresistible.

Hopes hand jumped to Lyalls knee. He stopped.

'In that mood are we?' Hw teased as she stood up.

'You didn't hear that?' She asked as Lyall followed her up.

'Hear what?' He answered. The room went silent, 'I don't hear-'

Lyall was stopped

They both heard it this time. 

A smash. Glass clattering to the ground. A child screaming.

Lyall ran. His feet flying to his sons room. The door swunging open for him. 

As he entered blood splattered his face. His wand was in his hand firing spells before he even registered what happened.

His sons room was destroyed. Toy trucks smashed on the floor. Curtain ripped. Shards of glass littered on the floor. His boys' room was the only one he took pride in. Everything was new and hood quality. Every foundation crack was corrected. 

Now it was in ruins.

The attacker had his head pokes through the window. His eyes glaring down. His face hidden by a shadow. His tongue locked his teeth. His mank, rotten yellow teeth... Februr Greyback.

The attacker sprinted into the night before lyall got any more spells in. Hope was in the corner, cradling her crying son. Her clothes were soaked through either blood. The boys echoed cries were heard throughout the house.

Luall swished his wand as a wispy silver dove flew out. His head was going over xalculated careful explanations but they weren't possible. He managed to choke out a painful 'my son'.

The dove flew out the windows. crying as it carried its message.

The patronus flew to the house of Eumphmia Potter, eh didn't even bother replying, she was out the house and ready to help in seconds.

She arrived at the Lupin residence in seconds, burstingbthrough the doors. Rushing to the cries. Lyall was on his knees repeating the phrase. Hope was rocking her newly unconscious boy. It took some coxing, but hope laid her boy down to let Euphamia help.

She was quick as a fiddle. Magic stitching up one area as her hands wiped another clean. She'd managed to accio a tiny black dog toy to sit in his hand for company. There was also one of the boys blankets rubbing Lyalls shoulder.

It took a night of monitoring before she could smile to the pair. He was stable.

Little Remus Lupin was alright for now.

A month later, when his nearly five little boy turned into a werewolf, he broke.every word he has ever muttered brokew him. He would never regret anything kove. Hope could barley look at him. He cried everything he saw his son.

Guilt plagued him.

But Merlin was he proud of his son. 

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