Chapter 3: Berries, Walks, and Blame

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Cinderella's P.O.V

As the baker slammed the door, I felt stunned. Jack looked incredibly nervous, Red was nibbling her lip. I took a deep breath. I was the adult, it was my job to comfort them,tell them it wasn't their fault...

" I shouldn't have said anything." Jack mumbled.

" He- He's going through a hard time right now." I said stupidly. I tried to smile brightly.

" Hey, none of us had breakfast, and now it's lunch time! I'll do it. Try not to kill each other." I smirked mischievously, as I ran out.

I stood in the open, trying to hear birds chirping. I couldn't hear any, but it was worth a shot. I closed my eyes and sang my usual calling.

" Come little birds, down from the eaves, over leaves, over fields, out of castles and ponds..."

The birds swirled down and landed on trees near me, the house, and one landed on my head.

" Oh, thank you!" I cried gratefully.

They chirruped in reply.

" How I'm feeling? Fine, I guess..." The truth was, I felt thoroughly depressed. The birds had caught the prince, my husband, kissing the baker's wife. Whether he had seduced her by force, I don't know, but it still hurt. It hurt for the baker too, as I imagined his heartbreak that some of his wife's last moments on Earth included cheating on him. I was not planning to tell him and tarnish his memory of his wife and increase his anger.

The birds were not fooled though, and they twittered in sympathy.

" Thank you, but I'm alright now. Anyway, my companions are hungry, and so am I. If you would be so kind, would you get me some food? Berries, maybe?" They nodded their tiny little heads and flew off.

Soon they came back, and showered me with raspberries , blueberries, blackberries, and strawberries enough for a feast.

" Thank you, birds!" I called as they flew away. I looked at this massive heap of berries. I would need some help to get it inside.

" Red! Jack! Come help me!" I called to the house. They appeared in a flash. Little Red was clutching her knife, and Jack held a rolling pin. I stared at them.

" What are you doing?" I asked them. They lowered their weapons but still looked wary.

" So you didn't get attacked by those voices?" Jack checked

" No way! Do you think I would go in there after what happened to you?" I gently poked Jack.

" But thank you. Come help with this!" Their faces lit up when they saw it. They helped me get it inside and we ate until we were stuffed. Jack sighed.

" I haven't felt so full in weeks."

" We've all had a hard time." I said.

" But everything is going to be alright." I hoped.

Red looked at the the remaining food nervously.
" Should we save it for Mr.Baker?" She asked.
" Yes." I said firmly. I looked at the two kids anxiously. Both of these kids had suffered so much and were being so brave. They had both lost their mothers, and I was determined to make up for their loss. I took both their hands and whirled them around. As I saw a smile break out on Jack's face and a laugh from Red's mouth, I pulled them outside. I ran a short way away from them, and beckoned them forward.
" Come on, you lazy lot! Let's go for a walk."
I had found a path to a enormous field filled with flowers, and Jack and Red were having a great time. Red was skipping through the grass, singing and picking flowers, and Jack was pretending to be a cowboy. I have no idea what made their spirits lift. As soon as they were away from the house, they started acting like normal children. I didn't know how long it would last.
I needed to know how they were feeling about all this. I called them over.
" Jack! Red!"
They came over reluctantly.
" Cinderella? What is it?" Jack called. When they came near to me I pulled them down into a semicircle.
" Cinderella?" Red asked warily. I stared them deep in the eyes.
" How are you two feeling?"
" I'm fine." They replied in sync. I wasn't fooled though. Jack stared at his shoes and Little Red blinked a dozen times or so. I sighed.
" No, really."
" I feel horrible." Red clapped her hands to her mouth. I shook my head.
" Having feelings doesn't make you cowardly." She took a deep breath.
" All I think about is my mother and granny, how I don't know where they are, how they could be... dead. I wish I could have done something, but I was useless. Like I always am." Her voice was unbearably sad.
" You couldn't have done something, but you certainly aren't useless." I reassured her.
" As for your family, I'm sure we'll find your granny. Your mother...I'm not sure." I squeezed her hand. She squeezed it back.
Through this exchange, Jack was struggling to keep his self composure.
" And you, Jack? Would you like to share your feelings, sir?" I said, trying to make him laugh. He didn't ,though. He just stared straight ahead. Red uncertainly waved her hands in front of his face.
" Jack?" He suddenly spoke.
" My mum is dead." Red and I looked uneasily at each other.
" Jack..."
" And it's all my fault." His eyes were angry now.
" Jack, it was just the voices telling you that."
" Its true, though, isn't it? My fault that the giant came down. My fault that the steward knocked her over."
His eyes stared forward once again, blank and glassy.
" Jack, it is not your fault. If it is anyone's fault, it would be the steward's, for being so foolish. I am so sorry that I made out it was your fault. I was panicking because the baker was blaming me. Never blame yourself, Jack."
As soon as I said that, he relaxed. His eyes stopped staring, he blinked. I felt terrible. I had no idea that my opinion had been weighing him down.
I decided we had to go.
With an arm around each child, I walked them home.

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