The show begins

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I sit down cross legged. "Alright Akihiro it's time to show them what we've got!" I say aloud. " I send out my chakra in diffrent dirrections collecting and finding sand deep in the earth. As I look I start explaing my justu to the 3rd. " basicly I can Make glass anywhere there's sand. As I pull the sand up out of the earth I..... Well it turns to glass. Ounce its glass I can control and change its form as I like." finally when I have enough sand for my first justu I stop searching. I start pulling up sand from the earth. As it comes out of the earth I twist them together and turn it into glass. finaly I have a large glass panel above my head. I start the justu. "Uma, I, Nitsuji, inu, tora." I say quickly and quietly. With this I send a larage amount of chakra into the glass. Thus the glass splitting into 100s Of dagger like shards. as the shards are hovering over my head I speak " there is a small amount of chakra in each shard. I can control each shard as well each are like a small personalized weapon." I say. " for exampl see that branch hanging above your head?" I say pointing to the branch above kurainai. They both look up and watch. I close my eyes and connect with the diffrent chakra points. I aim and shoot. It spins in circles and goes round and round The 3rds head. Goes up and hits the smallest leaf on the branch. the 3rd looks at me with no reaction, while Kuranai looks at me in awe. I smile, then I speak " now for my seacond jutsu I'll need you guys to back up. Preferably watch from behind a tree." I say. They heed my advice and both go behind a tree. I lower the rest of the glass shards and souround myself with them. The tips of the shards pointing outward. I then collect my chakra around me and send it out in a large burst. The glass shards fly in every direction. one of the shards flys with som much force it goes stringt through a tree. Luckily not the tree they were behind. " hmm it's never had enough force to go all the way through a tree." I say. "It's safe to come out now. The 3rd and kuranai step out. Kuranais eyes where so big they nearly popped out of her head. The 3rds eyes were even open wide. I smirk then sit. " I was in the middle of learning another justu during the attack." I say. " can you do clones?" Asks kuranai. " ya I know the basics." I say a bit insulted. "Let's see" she says simply. "fine" I say and make a clone. it looks exactly like me, it even has every scratch that I have. After she takes a good look at it I make it disappear. I call over Akihiro and he sits next to me, " You did good." He says so quite only I can hear. " thanks" I say stoking his head. " Alright machiko. Your free to go. I need to speak to kuranai. I seno for you if/when I need You." says the 3rd. I nod and head back to the village. At this point me and Akihiro are on our own. The 3rd and Kuranai head back to the building where we started. "Well bud let's find somewhere to eat!" I say to Akihiro.

the glass style user [a naruto fanfic]have major writing block so on hold. Not abandoned.Where stories live. Discover now