Little brunito

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This chapter will be about marriage, smut, fluff idk yet enjoy v🥰

You were asleep next to him he had been up thinking about you and your future as he heard u quiet knock on the door. Bruno stood up carefully trying not to wake you up and answered the door

Abuela stood there quickly stepping out and shutting the door behind him because you were sleeping naked on his bed

"Bruno... I know it's quite early but I need to have a talk with you" Abuela stood infront of him

Bruno started to get nervous at her words

"You and y/n are bringing la casita to life, your love is magical, you two remind me of me and your papa" she said pulling something out of her pocket

Bruno focused on what was in her hand curiously. Abuela gently opened her sons palm placing two smalls objects in it

"They were me and your papa's...I wanted you to have them" she smiled dearly

Bruno opened his hand and looked at the two rings, his eyes lit up. There was a thick silver ring with small green diamonds carved into it, and the other was silver and one large green diamond in the center

"Mama, this is too much" he said looking up at her

"He would've wanted you too have it" abuela said holding back a tear

Bruno hugged her dearly "Thank you mama, I will purpose to y/n soon" he said confidently

"Your welcome Brunito" she said parting from him and walking back towards her room

Bruno steps back inside quietly, hiding the rings in his pocket. He turns over to you letting out a loud yawn

"Good morning mi amore..." Bruno said

"Ai goodmorning handsome" you respond standing up with a stretch

"Who was at the door?"

"Oh um- just Camillo trying to bother me again" he stuttered nervously

"Mi vida, I'll be out for a bit but I'll find you as soon as I'm ready" Bruno cupped your cheek giving you a soft kiss

"Ok" you held his arm as he slipped out the door

Brunos point of view:

I need to find Augustus as soon as possible the man knows everything about women and romance

He knocks on his sister Julietas door, she answers giving you a concerned look

"Bruno are you hurt?" She asks pointing at some freshly made arepas

"No no, I'm looking for Augustus-"

Behind Julieta you see Augustus eating arepas to make his harsh bee stings go away. He looked up at you standing in the doorway

"Augustus! I need to talk to you it's important" you look at him desperately

"Ok ok goodness" he says stepping outside

"I need your's about y/n" Bruno says

"Ay yuh ay" he rolled his eyes

"This morning abuela came to me and gave me these." Bruno shows him the rings making his jaw drop

"I plan to purpose to y/n tonight... but I don't know where or how"

"Bruno you two are in love, I'm sure she'll say yes to the proposal just find a beautiful place in town to do it at." Augustus said engaging deeply into the conversation

"Si si but where?" Bruno asked

Augustus stood there and scratched his chin trying to think for a moment
"Ahah! The local fountain in the middle of town!" He said proud of his idea

Bruno Madrigal x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now