Mars's 12th Birthday

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My Birthday was start from 5:00PM. And then i'd suprise, the gift contains ViceJack and Wolfoo Fans. Teachers are coming and then says "Jackie is so beautiful. Are you crush with Jackie?" Teacher 1 says. "Yes it is, I love it." Mars says.

Mars is so fun. And then everyone had to eat friends of Families. There is more spaghetti, salad, mango graham, banana, chocolate cake and etc.

And then after eating, the friends had to play because it is so fun. Mars says "Happy birthday to me...!!!!". Everyone says "Happy Birthday Mars!!!". Mars says "Thank you everyone for being eat and praying and wish."

And then he tried to come with Jackie and Wolfoo like on personal and He goes to Antipolo to have a new house and lot near Jackie's House.

And then, THE END...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2022 ⏰

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