Loki POV

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November 18th, 2012 

My Sweetest Darling,

I do not know where to begin, my love. My thoughts are racing and I have to share these thoughts with you. You are my soul, my purpose, and to be away from you for only these few short days, is making me go mad. I must get back to you, but for now, I found this journal to record my thoughts, convincing myself that you can hear my words some how. 

I have found myself in a void, my darling, where I am not in a concrete reality, but more of a dream like universe. I have been searching for the last few days of any sign of life and to my joy but also fear, no human or god has shown themselves. When I woke up from my teleportation, I found myself lying in a field of flowers. I turned hoping to see you, calling out your name, but I did not hear your response. As I turn, expecting to see you, I found you did not make it here with me, but what is here? We were supposed to arrive at our home, together. 

Realizing you did not make it here with me, I suddenly panic, fearing Thanos held on to you some how. I began to walk for miles hoping someone or something would show up, but to my shock, I only found the Avengers tower, but it wasn't your Avengers tower. I then saw Thor's space craft.  

My heart and mind began to race, as  I began to remember our first special moment we shared together. Remembering the moment, when we were leaving Thor's ridiculous space craft, after you had touched yourself longing for me to touch you and how I couldn't wait to devour you later that evening. The memories and sensations began to race just as that day, in my body and my cock begin to rise longing for you, hoping that this was just a dream and I would wake up next to you in our bed.

In this moment and every second after, I remind myself that I have to find you and to not give up.  After releasing myself, dreaming of your body, imagining me kissing every inch of your flesh, and the rush I feel every time I enter you, I  arrived to the Avengers tower and begin to search for you in every room but I found no one, not even your little boy toy friend Captain.

 Thankfully, I found this journal, in your room, actually, which brought me even more comfort, as I found a few pages of how you wrote about me. Oh, my darling, my soul is crying for you and I don't know how I will go on without you. 

I cannot believe that I have made this horrible mistake and I fear that my punishment is to be stuck in this void without you for the rest of my days. 

How could have I been so stupid? I didn't even have time to tell you, what I have planned for you.. for us. I knew Thanos would try to ruin my plans, but how could have I just let him take everything away from me again? I basically handed you over to him! I am such a coward! Idiot! 

I know you destroyed him, my darling, I don't doubt it for a moment, but now you are alone thinking I left you! Please know you are stronger than I could ever hope to be. I will never forgive myself for hurting you as I did. I am amazed by you, my darling, how you could love a monster like me. 

As the seconds pass in this void, I fear I will never see you again or meet our child that grows in your womb. You don't know about it yet, but I had the perfect surprise, to reveal that you were expecting our first child together. Darling, my love for you, finally opened me to becoming a father. Even though the idea itself terrifies me, you have given me confidence that maybe, just maybe, I could do this whole father role with you by my side. You make me believe I truly can do anything.

Until next the entry, my darling...hopefully I will see you soon...

With all of my being and love, 

With all of my being and love, 

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2022 ⏰

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