Chapter 14

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JJ shakes his head, denying Serena's request "You're not coming with". At the end of his sentence, his words became a bit more raised making Pope turn his head to shush them. Serena takes his hand and pulls him out to the front porch so they could talk without bothering the others.

They hear 'oohs' emit from John B and Pope as they get up from the couch but completely ignore them. Kie smacks John B's shoulder since he was the only one in her reach at the moment "Grow up, both of you".

Once the door closes behind them, Serena looks up towards JJ "I'm not letting you go alone, I won't let you get hurt". 

JJ shakes his head and looks up to the ceiling for a moment "I'm not letting YOU get hurt". 

The kook girl crosses her arms "You think I can't handle myself".

He shakes his head once again "It's not about that, my dad is extremely unsafe to be around and I don't know what I would do with myself if you got hurt". 

Serena looks into his eyes "I need to know that you're okay, I'm not just going to let you go there by yourself, end of discussion".

Serena walks off before he could say anything else, he takes a deep breath and walks towards the jeep "I'll drive". 

The girl turns and stops him "So you get to drive my car but I can't drive your bike?". 

JJ chuckles "You're gonna end up hurting yourself on that thing".

She scoffs "Double standard if you ask me". Without any more of an argument, Serena gets into the passenger seat. The drive to the Maybank house was filled with silence. Serena tried her best to comfort him but JJ was clearly terrified.

Once he parked the car, JJ turns off the engine and sits in silence for a moment. Serena turns to him, softly rubbing his arm "It's going to be okay, even if something happens you aren't alone, you've always got me". 

The blonde tries his best to put on a smile "I don't deserve you in my life".

The kook girl shakes her head in disbelief "You deserve the world J, I can only hope one day you'll realize that". He sniffles back his tears and nods as a response. 

"Let's get this over with so we can go back home" Serena tells him, patting his thigh.

JJ nods once again and unbuckles his seat belt. As they approach the front door, he nudges Serena behind him a bit "Stay behind me. Please". 

She looked up towards his pleading eyes and knew not to argue "Okay". He takes a deep breath and opens the door.

Entering the house, you can see it hasn't been attended to in a while. Without the clutter of empty beer bottles and dirty dishes, the house might be seen as pleasant. Both teens find Luke laying on the couch, beer in hand, watching a sitcom of some sort.

As the man notices movement out of the corner of his eye, he sits up and faces the two "JJ, I thought you'd bail on me again". 

The blonde holds your hand behind his back, squeezing it tightly "You said you wanted to talk so, I'm here to talk".

Luke takes another swig from his beer, pointing to Serena "You got another bitch to pound out while you're here? So ungrateful of the house that I provide for you". 

JJ shakes his head "No dad, just a friend". 

The older man chuckles dryly "I ain't seen any of your 'friends' over here before".

JJ looks down at the floor and sighs "What did you want to talk about?". 

The man laughs again "So straight to the point, huh? I've been wanting to tell you that you need to pull more weight around here if you wanna live under this roof". 

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