Chapter I

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      "Haruto! Come upstairs and see your new room!" his mother shouted at him, beckoning him up the stairs of their new house.

      "Do I have to?" Haruto whined, dragging his belongings up to his mother. He was still wroth about the fact they had to move, even though the decision had been made months before.

      "Yes, honey, you have to. After all, you will be spending a lot of your time in here. I'm afraid you'll have to set it up yourself, though, because I have to go help your father with furniture downstairs and we are going to talk with the neighbors. You can come with me if you want, though." she said before retreating down the stairs.

      "Great. Just great." Haruto said angrily, stomping on the floor. He brought his backpack and crate of valuable things and set them down on the floor. He noticed that his parents had laid a sleeping bag on the floor for the night, because it was already afternoon and they were all tired from the ride there. None of them wanted to bring furniture upstairs, and would rather do it the next day.

      "Hello? Is somebody there?" Haruto heard a small, muffled voice coming from somewhere in his room. He shook his head and frowned. 'I'm probably just tired, and that's what's causing these imaginary voices in my head.' he thought before dismissing the matter.

      "Hello! Please respond if you are in the room!" the soft, light voice said again.

      "OKAY I'M HERE!" he screamed, but not loud enough for his parents or the neighbors to hear. There was silence. Haruto scanned the room.

      "You are probably wondering where I am. My name is Mashiho, and I am stuck in the mirror." the gentle voice drifted into Haruto's ears.

      "Can I see you?" Haruto asked, staring at the mirror.

      "Yes." and with that, a cute, small boy with yellow highlights appeared.

      "Can you see me?" Haruto asked another question.

      "Yes, but only if you do something big." Mashiho said, smiling sadly.

      "And what would that be, cutie?" Haruto inquired.

      "Fall in love with me." replied Mashiho before he disappeared. Footsteps were heard climbing the stairs outside Haruto's new room and his door opened to reveal his father.

      "Haruto, come see the living room! It is a lot more spacious than our previous one, so you can keep more stuff in there!" his father said.

      "Can I see it tomorrow? I'm a little tired." Haruto said.

      "But it's not even dinnertime yet. Are you sick? Do you need-"

      "Yes. Homesick." Haruto cut his father off disrespectfully.

      "Well, feel better soon, son." and with that, the door closed once more and the footsteps echoed faintly before vanishing.

      "Hi!" Mashiho reappeared.

      "Hi again, cutie." Haruto flirted.

      "Stop calling me cutie, call me Mashiho. Also, stop flirting with me." Mashiho pouted.

      "Okay, cutie. How did you get in the mirror?" Haruto asked, puzzled.

      "You don't want to know." the shorter's face turned serious.

      "Is there another way for you to see me?" he asked hopefully

      "You have a lot of questions. And no, there is no other way." Mashiho said, shaking his head and waving his arms to emphasize the "no". Haruto found this funny and cute.

      "Can I take a picture of you?" Haruto asked.

      "I don't know. I think not, but you can try. Only the person destined to love me can." Mashiho said, staring at nothing. Haruto held his phone and positioned it before taking a picture.

      "It works! But that means..."

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